MetaGods, The 8-Bit Action Role-Playing Blockchain Game
press release

MetaGods, The 8-Bit Action Role-Playing Blockchain Game

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE The gaming business is ability a anarchy acknowledgment to the appearance of blockchain technology Because of this its giving developers a new way to appoint the admirers with capabilities that were ahead bare The PlayToEarn P2E abstraction in which gamers are adored for their time with tokens that can be exchanged for absolute money is already commonplace in the gaming world

In this industry, the GameFi archetypal represents a huge about-face from the past, back in-game assets were belted to centralized protocols and players were banned from trading their agenda assets alfresco of the platform. But in contempo years, the P2E business archetypal has acquired astronomic popularity, decidedly in developing countries area bounded application and opportunities are limited, but additionally area the all-inclusive majority of bodies accept admission to basal cyberbanking accessories and the internet.

MetaGods is one of the projects that is acceptable the Play-To-Earn model. It is the world’s aboriginal 8-bit activity role-playing bold congenital on the blockchain, as it incorporates avant-garde bold mechanics that are at the beginning of the advancing GameFi revolution. Players are able to adapt their appearance NFT avatars and accretion admission to different characters and abilities. Along with active baleful creatures, the MetaGods in-game abridgement additionally enables users to barter basic articles with the tokens, and allows them to acquire absolute money for their adventures in the ballsy alcove bang-up fights.

MetaGods GameFi Model

To aerate revenue, MetaGods GameFi archetypal enables users to pale belvedere tokens anon through the game’s user interface. They will again be able to acquire the in-game badge to advancement their appearance NFTs or buy bigger weapons and allegorical loot. This archetypal will additionally absorb a able amusing basic through the use of GameFi mechanics.

MetaGods appearance accidental and hardcore bold types. Accidental gamers can analyze the game’s cosmos and acreage acknowledgment to the game’s play-to-earn aspects. NFT permadeath is alien in Hardcore, although APY and allegorical boodle ante are increased. The absolute fun begins in this mode.

For acclimatized gamers, hardcore approach amplifies the stakes. Winners acquire items of accretion aberration and value, but charge accident their best characters in adjustment to survive. This strategy, a aboriginal in the industry, adds to the game’s anxiety and adventure.

These are alone the ancestry in the realms of Atlantis and Zion. Additional gameplay elements will be appear in the abreast future!

For the aftermost division of 2024, MetaGods is now apperception its efforts on the bold trailer, Early Access Dungeons, DeFi farming, and Generative NFT Characters.

$MGOD and $RELIC are the two agenda tokens that accomplish up MetaGods’ ecosystem.

Using the $MGOD token, players can acquirement chance packs, which accommodate characters, weapons, and consumables. To access raids, tournaments, and added appropriate events, it will be activated as an acceptance fee. Payment for exchange affairs will additionally be fabricated in $MGOD.

Meanwhile, the $RELIC badge will be acclimated to buy consumables and appoint in exchange action in the game. Tokens can be becoming over time through staking, and will curl in the better metaverse economy. In-game merchant mechanics will abetment abiding the pricing.

MetaGods Raised $3M

In adjustment to accompany blockchain technology to a fast-growing gaming area and transform the non-fungible tokens market, a cardinal of investors and partners, including BoxMining, ABV, Cinchblock,, Magnus Capital, Raptor Capital, and Faculty Capital, accept abutting the accomplishment and contributed $3 Million to MetaGods.

Thanks to this amazing accumulation of investors, they now accept the drive and industry acceptance they charge to abide advanced with their affairs to body out the best bold on the blockchain.

About MetaGods

MetaGods is an 8-bit, play-to-earn activity RPG area players action adjoin the gods on the aisle to ascension. Anniversary appearance NFT is created by the abutment of mortals, demigods, and titans. They will aggregation up with anniversary added and action ballsy bosses, while boring acceptable accurate gods themselves.

The bold works with a bifold badge system. The $MGOD and $RELIC are the two tokens of the platform. $MGOD is acclimated as the babyminding badge of the activity and can be acclimated to access appropriate events. $RELIC is an earnable in-game bill that supports the play-to-earn anatomy of MetaGods.

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