MUNCH Hits Record-Breaking 1000 ETH Charity Donation Milestone
press release

MUNCH Hits Record-Breaking 1000 ETH Charity Donation Milestone

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Alms donation activity MUNCH announces the groundbreaking anniversary of altruistic over 1000 ETH to assorted accommodating projects authoritative MUNCH the worlds arch accommodating crypto activity MUNCH is a Defi activity that incorporates automatic donations into banking affairs 3 of every MUNCH transaction is absent automatically adapted to ETH and again baffled to a communitychosen and absolute alms It requires no activity or accommodation authoritative and gives bodies freedom over their investments MUNCH converts donations at the point of the transaction and sends it anon to the charitys wallet abode This agency that donations do not destabilize the tokens amount and the charities can either abundance the ETH which has a almost abiding amount or accept to autoconvert anon to FIAT as anon as they accept the donations Utilizing blockchain technology creates a arrangement of automatic arguable donations MUNCH has aloof acclaimed the amazing anniversary of altruistic over 1000 ETH Valued at 4205120 at the time of autograph With no processing appropriate the crypto donated by MUNCH has been calm and is already in activity about the apple Since ablution in April 2024 the 1000 ETH generated by the MUNCH association has been beatific to 4 altered communitychosen causes These causes accurate by MUNCH are already activity the appulse of the funds donated by the MUNCH association with realworld after-effects GiveWell Maximum Appulse FundThe MUNCH Activity aloft donated to GiveWell 73887 ETH Est 2700000GiveWell is a alms that represents the attempt of MUNCH and sets the accomplished accepted for our alms alternative action By activity to the Maximum Appulse GiveWells analysis suggests that this money will go appear extenuative over 600 lives You can watch a video from GiveWell answer the appulse of these donations here

The Yellow Brick Road Project

The MUNCH Project aloft & donated to Yellow Brick Road Project 134.37 ETH ( Est. $467,610,89 )

The abutting account accurate by MUNCH highlights the ability of association to afford ablaze on untold stories.

The Yellow Brick Road Project is a accommodating foundation with a mission to armamentarium analysis to identify, understand, treat, and ultimately cure those impacted by HNRNPH2 mutations.

Their assignment aims to analyze added individuals with HNRNPH2 mutations, affix families impacted by HNRNPH2 in adjustment to accord to the compassionate of the disorder.

In 2020, the YBRP awarded its aboriginal analysis admission at a amount of $420,000. After authoritative the aboriginal 3 payments, the activity was disturbing to accession added funds. MUNCH’s donations amounted to $320,000 enabling them to abide their analysis activity and giving them funds to analyze added analysis avenues and enhance the lives of bodies affected.

charity: baptize

The MUNCH Project aloft & donated to alms baptize 91.04 ETH (Est. $315,469,08)

charity: baptize is a non-profit alignment bringing apple-pie and safe bubbler baptize to bodies in developing countries. Founded in 2024, they accept the aggressive ambition of catastrophe the all-around baptize crisis through sustainable, community-led baptize projects.


Since their inception, charity: baptize has adjourned 64,999 baptize projects, beyond 29 countries, allowance over 12 actor bodies accretion admission to apple-pie water.

On average, it costs $40 to accompany apple-pie baptize to one person. MUNCH’s contributions will armamentarium added than 30 baptize projects, accouterment abiding admission to clean, beginning baptize for absolute communities. MUNCH became the aboriginal official crypto accomplice of charity: water, abutting companies such as Google.


Save the Children

The MUNCH Project aloft & donated to Save the Children 31.55 ETH ( Est. $132,139.54 )

Thanks to their continued history and abundance of experience, Save The Accouchement operates with a actual able banking model. When you accord to Save the Children, 85% of every dollar goes beeline to lifesaving abatement to children.

This agency $50 can accommodate abundant aliment to accumulate 3 accouchement from activity athirst for a month. The money provided by the MUNCH association will accomplish a cogent appulse in the determinative years of hundreds of people.

“We are appreciative to formed with, and accept been able to abutment these admirable projects and are captivated to see the absolute accomplishments fabricated accessible through crypto.”

Next up: The Manny Pacquiao Foundation

The abutting alms accurate by the MUNCH activity will be the Manny Pacquiao Foundation, as voted for by our community. The foundation supports advanced band efforts to abate asperity and bigotry beyond the world. Since ablution the vote on October 31st, the MUNCH activity has already donated abutting to 20 ETH!

Connecting crypto to causes with the MUNCH Alms Circle

As the baton in the crypto donation space, the MUNCH Alms Circle also enables any crypto activity to accord to the account we affix with. MUNCH utilizes their relationships with accustomed charities to allure added projects, authorize communication, abstruse onboarding, and analysis processes to advice added crypto projects accord in a trustless, fungible, and absolute way.

MUNCH has already accustomed abounding projects to the Alms Circle, including Kishimoto Inu, Safemoon Inu, Kingdom X100 and BankEth. Donations from these projects through the Alms Circle now absolute abutting to 30 ETH.

You can apprehend added about the MUNCH activity here.

Contact: [email protected]


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