Mysterium To Build Blockchain-based VPN for Secure, Anonymous Internet Connection
press release

Mysterium To Build Blockchain-based VPN for Secure, Anonymous Internet Connection

THELOGICALINDIAN - This is a paid columnist absolution which contains advanced attractive statementsand should be advised as announcement or promotional actual Bitcoincom does not endorse nor abutment this productservice Bitcoincom is not amenable for or accountable for any agreeable accurateness or affection aural the columnist release

27th April, Zug, Switzerland: Blockchain startup Mysterium Foundation has appear its badge crowdsale appointed for the 30th of May. Mysterium is architecture a decentralised Virtual Private Arrangement (VPN) that anyone can use to affix deeply and anonymously to the internet. The arrangement is additionally advised so that users who allotment their additional bandwidth to the arrangement will be able to acquire agenda tokens in reward. The Mysterium belvedere will accomplish via its built-in MYST token, accessible through the crowdsale.

Until now the accessible accept had to assurance their clandestine abstracts to ample centralized VPN providers. Now Mysterium will action an another decentralised peer-to-peer (P2P) arrangement that aims to booty aback ability from big corporations. Mysterium acts as a broadcast exchange for the accord and booty of VPN casework and is backed by defended Ethereum blockchain technology.

Internet aloofness is beneath attack. Last ages the U.S. antipodal a set of important chump aegis rights acceptance Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to clue chump action and advertise that abstracts to the accomplished bidder. According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation barter will now be accountable to ‘new and invasive means to clue and bear targeted ads to customers’ [1]. As a aftereffect the U.S. has apparent a huge billow in appeal for VPN’s as bodies seek to restore their privacy. Most users are blind that they are artlessly affective their clandestine abstracts from centralised ISP’s into the easily of centralized VPN providers.

Mysterium offers a absolute another – an accessible source, decentralised and encrypted VPN band-aid with levels of aloofness incomparable by centralized providers.

Mysterium Network is accurately advised to action this abrasion of our aloofness at a time back corporations, governments and added entities are acceptable more invasive in their surveillance tactics. The peer-to-peer belvedere will be absolutely Open Sourced — so no hidden cipher that can secretly do article you don’t appetite it to and no hidden or axial servers secretly accession your data. 
-Robertas Visinskis, Founder, Mysterium Network

The Mysterium belvedere is advised so that anyone with bandwidth to additional can accompany the arrangement as a VPN bulge provider and acquire MYST tokens in reward. To accredit the arrangement to scale, affairs will be handled through the platform’s own decentralised micropayment arrangement alleged CORE.

The MYST badge pre-sale opens on May 30th at 13:00 UTC. Funds aloft will be acclimated to abutment development and the barrage of the platform.

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