Nemus Launches Platform to Bridge the Gap Between Blockchain and Land Conservation
press release

Nemus Launches Platform to Bridge the Gap Between Blockchain and Land Conservation

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Emerging DeFi and NFT conservationbased activity Nemus is ablution its belvedere to advance acceptable bread-and-butter activities in the Amazon Rainforest to assure acreage and endangered flora and fauna in the rainforest

January 10th, 2022, São Paulo, BrazilAfter abounding months of assignment in the pipeline, Nemus is advancing to barrage its NFT belvedere which will accommodate a collectible NFT acquaintance with assorted bold mechanics that incentivize action to conserve and bottle the Amazon rainforest.

Nemus differs from absolute NFT acreage projects as it deals with absolute acreage in the Amazon accouterment a analytical addendum into the “real” world. This is the analytic and assured abutting footfall in the land-based NFT amplitude as an accretion cardinal of real-estate-based NFT projects barrage globally.

Rooted durably in conservation, Nemus aims to assure rainforest acreage and the assorted endangered breed of flora and fauna in the Amazon through acceptable bread-and-butter activities. So far, Nemus has anchored 41,000 hectares of absolute at-risk acreage in the Amazon rainforest, an breadth about agnate to the admeasurement of Paris (40 sq mi), Amsterdam (84 sq mi), and San Francisco (46 sq mi) combined. An added 6.1 actor hectares (~15 actor acres) is currently beneath agreement and anon to be at the ready.

Forming a careful belt in one of the best threatened areas of the Amazon, Nemus will avert actionable loggers, ranchers and any added article aiming to accomplishment the rainforest for claimed gain. Nemus has prioritized its acreage into regions, which are again disconnected into acreage “drops.” The Genesis NFT Drop, appointed to be captivated in Q1 of 2022, will affection ~10,000 NFTs tied to absolute accoutrements of acreage in the rainforest.

Buying or captivation a Nemus NFT makes you a Guardian – an automated affiliate of the accessible Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), which additionally includes the founding and operational associates of the Nemus Foundation. The accomplishing of the DAO will alpha artlessly as a aural lath for action on the land, area Guardians can allotment their articulation and arresting against specific proposals. Many of the decisions for bread-and-butter action will be led by the Nemus Foundation in an accomplishment to body the types of acceptable activities available.

As explained in detail in Nemus’ litepaper, buying of an NFT is not a affirmation to buying of the land, about NFTs can be acclimated to acquire the built-in NEA token, alleviate advancing bold rewards, and advance acceptable action on the land. Rewards appear in the anatomy of $NEA tokens—Nemus built-in token—enhanced NFT features, and opportunities to excellent absolutely new NFTs, depending on the gaming approach one chooses to collaborate with.

About Nemus

Nemus is a DeFi and NFT activity that facilitates attention of the earth’s accustomed assets and habitats. It purchases at-risk acreage and protects them by implementing acceptable bread-and-butter activities. Apart from actuality backed by several sponsors and partners, Nemus leverages a aggregation of industry and abstruse experts to advice beacon its groundbreaking belvedere appear success.

Its architect and CEO, Flavio de Meira Penna, has endemic several companies in Brazil focused on acceptable rainforest operations. He is additionally a consecutive entrepreneur, accepting headed assorted startups in accounts and communications.

The aggregation additionally includes several blockchain and web development experts with a history of success architecture avant-garde platforms, as able-bodied as several ally who will advantage their all-encompassing networks to position Nemus at the beginning of attention innovation.

For added advice about Nemus, the Genesis NFT drop, and how to excellent tickets, appointment their website here.

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Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Bernardo Meira Penna

Contact Email: [email protected]

NEMUS is the antecedent of this content. This Press Release is for advisory purposes only. The admonition does not aggregate advance admonition or an action to invest.



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