NFT Gaming Pioneer Vulcan Forged Launches New DEX for Gaming Tokens
press release

NFT Gaming Pioneer Vulcan Forged Launches New DEX for Gaming Tokens

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Vulcan Forged has launched a new and advocate decentralized barter for gaming tokens afterward the success of its gaming metaverse VulcanVerse

Cardiff, United Kingdom – Blockchain gaming platform, Vulcan Forged, is announcement the barrage of the first-ever decentralized barter (DEX) purpose-built for gaming tokens, VulcanDEX. The DEX will acquiesce users of the gaming belvedere to barter any gaming badge after the charge to register. Players will again be able to use their anew acquired tokens in their corresponding game.

Users will additionally be able to pale gaming tokens to facilitate exchanges in VulcanDEX, with users earning rewards in admeasurement to their allotment of specific clamminess pools. The DEX currently has 4 alive pools for this purpose, with several more, including $YGG, $SAND $AXS and $VNLA advancing soon. Moreover, in-game assets can be farmed in VulcanDEX in the anatomy of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), creating an alive abridgement that absorb several accepted blockchain-based gaming ecosystems.

VulcanDEX is additionally powered by $PYR, the account badge that is the courage of the VulcanForged gaming ecosystem. Players can pale PYR in the DEX as able-bodied as acquire their rewards in it and pale it in pools in accession to added gaming tokens.

Pioneering the Decentralized Play-to-Earn Model

With the accession of VulcanDEX to its portfolio of amateur and products, Vulcan Forged has become a actual avant-garde in the “Play-to-Earn” (P2E) space. P2E is a gaming business archetypal that creates accessible economies aural gaming ecosystems and rewards those who add amount to amateur by accidental to their development. This can be in the anatomy of contributions such as bold architecture and development, and alike beta testing new games. The abstraction is to accord admission to abeyant players who would contrarily pay a exceptional to comedy accepted games.

Vulcan Forged has alloyed this arising abstraction with the attempt of decentralized accounts (DeFi), acceptance participants in VulcanForged’s gaming belvedere to accord gaming tokens and added crypto assets to facilitate their barter amid decentralized gamers. Moreover, the P2E industry is almost new, with players such as Axie Infinity and Decentraland alone accepting cogent acceptance this year. This puts Vulcan Forged at the acid bend of this new arising industry.

Building on Success

That Vulcan Forged is in this beat position is no abruptness accustomed its contempo success. Combined, the Vulcan Forged amateur are set to beat the anniversary of 200,000 users by the end of 2021. This is as a aftereffect of a cardinal of acknowledged developments back the alpha of the year for the Vulcan Forged team, including accepting the bookish acreage rights for iconic pieces of art to be included in their flagship in-game world, the VulcanVersre.

The works accommodate “Egyptian Queen” by Frank Frazetta, a painting which awash beforehand in the year for over $5.4 million. Frazetta is a world-renowned fantasy and science fiction artisan best acclaimed for his Conan The Barbarian illustrations. Moreover, Vulcan Forged additionally partnered with Arkane Network to abutment game-focussed NFTs congenital on Polygon. The amplification to added accepted ecosystems in the crypto amplitude is allotment of Vulcan Forged’s longer-term plan to aggrandize admission to its beat amateur and bold development ecosystem.


About Vulcan Forged

Designed as an easy-to-play and easy-to-build ecosystem, Vulcan Forged is a community-based activity that promotes the development of world-class blockchain amateur by acknowledging developers through its development programs. ‘incubation and crowdfunding.

For blockchain bold enthusiasts, Vulcan Forged is a one-stop-shop area they can admission accepted amateur and a huge NFT exchange to buy and advertise agenda assets in-game. The absolute ecosystem is powered by its own PYR settlement, staking and account token. The ERC20 accordant PYR is a cross-platform bill that can be acclimated in bold titles that are allotment of the Vulcan Forged ecosystem.


For added advice about Vulcan Forged’s advocate new DEX, appointment their website here.

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Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Jimi Exohus

Contact Email: [email protected]

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