Over 18k USD in Prizes Awarded During Hackathon on the Ergo Platform
press release

Over 18k USD in Prizes Awarded During Hackathon on the Ergo Platform

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Singapore July 1 2022 During the ages of May the Ergo Foundation copresented Ergos fourth hackathon with ErgoPad This ErgoHack Fest took abode over three weeks and featured the better award-winning basin to date with over 18k SigUSD and 180k ergopad up for grabs

ErgoHacks accept been an anecdotic affection of Ergo with several projects from antecedent hackathons now operating as key dApps aural the ecosystem. ErgoPad is one such project. They began their adventure as a actor in ErgoHack II and are now one of the best alive projects on Ergo. As an IDO launchpad, they are abnormally positioned to advice new and absolute projects defended ICO funding, and they accept already helped added ErgoHack participants booty the abutting accomplish in developing their projects. For a complete overview of ErgoPad and the projects they are alive with, amuse appointment their website: https://ergopad.io/projects.

The Ergo ecosystem continues to abound at a almanac clip and developer action always ranks amidst the accomplished on Stack. With anniversary consecutive ErgoHack, added and added developers from accommodating teams break on to become arresting association developers. In some cases, a few of these accomplished developers accept been arrive to assignment on projects with the amount development team. If you would like to dive added into the projects and dApps on Ergo, amuse appointment the Sigmaverse website. This aperture offers a absolute overview of all the dApps on Ergo, including projects that accept alternate in antecedent ErgoHacks.

ErgoHack Fest Results

The board accept completed their analysis of all the participants’ abstracts and submissions and accept voted on the winners for this hackathon.

1st abode – Multisig

The aggregation abaft Multisig submitted a angle to advance a new multi-signature wallet. During ErgoHack Fest they formed on designing the wallet and auspiciously completed the adeptness to assurance a multi-sig transaction application a QR code. They again developed a server for communicating abstracts amid wallets. Once completed, the aggregation was able to auspiciously accomplish a multi-sig transaction.

2nd abode – Oracle-Pools2

This single-member aggregation approved to body a minimum applicable artefact (MVP) of adaptation 2 of the answer pools as declared in EIP-23 and were able to apparatus 3 amount operations for the pools. They will be continuing to apparatus added operations for the basin as able-bodied as accepting a alive basin on testnet.

3rd abode – ErgoSock/ErgoNodes

Ergonodes uses ErgoSock to clamber the absolute Ergo arrangement and map out all the important capacity about its accepted state. With the advice of Ergonodes, it is accessible to acquisition advice about the accompaniment over time, the accompaniment and advice of specific nodes and the advance rate. It is an important metric to admeasurement the robustness of the network.

Special Prize from DarkFund0

5 Community Favorites

ErgoVersary and Upcoming Hackathons

The winners of ErgoHack Fest were appear on a actual appropriate day for the Ergo Platform. July 1st marks the third ceremony of Ergo’s mainnet launch. In accession to adulatory the cessation of the hackathon, the Ergo Foundation and abundant association associates accept organized several activities for the community, including a appropriate AMA and video appearances by appropriate guests. All of the capacity are accessible on the Ergo Platform YouTube page.

After the success of this hackathon, it has already been appear that the abutting ErgoHack Fest will booty abode in September 2022. All developers and/or entrepreneurs are arrive to present projects and account for accessible development on the blockchain. Future updates on this accident will be appear via Ergo’s amusing media channels.

About Ergo

Ergo is the assured abutting footfall in the change of Proof of Work blockchain technology, advised for creating and implementing powerful, efficient, and awful defended banking contracts. It utilizes the best aspects of Bitcoin and Ethereum by application Bitcoin’s UTXO archetypal while implementing the acute arrangement functionality of Ethereum.

Ergo’s addition provides an added crypto-economy, aimed at accouterment amusing and banking appurtenances for those who amount privacy, abstruse reliability, and advance opportunities. The articles Ergo creates position it as a baton in acclamation the issues of abjection and accessibility in regions area there is bound or no admission to avant-garde banking articles and services.

About the Ergo Foundation

The Ergo Foundation oversees the business aspects of the Ergo Platform. The Foundation consists of several lath associates who are tasked with ensuring that the projects congenital account and advocate the antecedent inspirations for the conception of Ergo. They are amenable for the Ergo Treasury as able-bodied as the cost of funds to added advance the Ergo Ecosystem. For added information, amuse see the Ergo Foundation webpage.

About ErgoPad

Ergopad is a badge barrage belvedere on the Ergo blockchain that helps teams army antecedent allotment and admit DAOs. Ergopad has congenital an accessible antecedent python-based tech assemblage that Ergo developers can booty advantage of, and abide to accommodate BaaS acute arrangement administration to the ecosystem. They aftermath the bi-weekly Proof of Ergo podcast, and will abide to accord to the Ergo ecosystem as it grows into the future, by architecture accoutrement that advice developers accommodate functionality to end-users.

Media Relations

Ergo Foundation

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