Panther Protocol and Supra Oracles join forces To Enable Cross-Chain, Private DeFi
press release

Panther Protocol and Supra Oracles join forces To Enable Cross-Chain, Private DeFi

THELOGICALINDIAN - Both parties will beforehand the DeFi industry and acquaint muchneeded basement to baby to a all-around audience

Panther Protocol and SurpaOracles accompany armament to acquaint cross-chain and clandestine decentralized accounts solutions.

Both parties will beforehand the DeFi industry and acquaint much-needed basement to baby to a all-around audience.

In addition, the affiliation will empower users and developers akin to ammunition added antagonism and addition in this booming industry.

Panther Protocol ally SupraOracles to actualize a clandestine DeFi ecosystem with cross-chain functionality. The best for SupraOracles is straightforward: their technology gives developers a atypical answer toolset to build, deploy, and administer real-time abstracts applications. Moreover, the technology assemblage offers arch performance, agility, and robustness.

Moreover, the eyes of Panther Protocol and Supraoracles adjust through exploring cross-chain operations. Interoperability and aloofness can go hand-in-hand in the apple of decentralized finance. By accumulation the best of both worlds, users and developers will access a new DeFi paradigm.

Panther Co-founder and CEO Oliver Gale comments:

“The SupraOracles affiliation is one ashore in the charge for low latency, adjustable and cross-chain answer services. As DeFi scales into high-value retail user and institutional use cases privacy, speed, aegis and acquiescence will become the key words of acknowledged teams.”

Through the partnership, SupraOracles will accomplish abstracts account feeds custom-tailored to Panther’s needs. SupraOracles becomes the Trust provider for abstracts types appropriate to abutment Pantherś Prover-Verifier mechanism, a acute cog in the apparatus for zero-knowledge attestations. The Multi-Helix Ledger (MHL) is acutely able to move and accessing amount amid chains after compromising speed, authenticity, or security.

Panther will additionally accomplish to application Supra’s cross-chain Oracle capabilities in the InterChain DEX for cross-chain alignment and abstracts consistency. These oracles can accommodate assorted pieces of acute data, including amount feeds, circuitous banking information, and so forth.

SupraOracles Co-founder and CEO Joshua D. Tobkin adds:

“Panther Protocol’s different amount hypothesis is its adeptness to address to bequest banking institutions that appetite to assure user aloofness while still constant by authoritative requirements. SupraOracles is additionally congenital to arch the gap amid DeFi and acceptable banking institutions. So, our projects are not alone accordant from a abstruse perspective, but additionally accede on the accent of affable TradFi into DeFi.”

Panther is an end-to-end aloofness agreement abutting blockchains to restore aloofness in Web3 and DeFi while accouterment banking institutions a bright aisle to compliantly participate in agenda asset markets.

Panther provides DeFi users with absolutely collateralized privacy-enhancing agenda assets, leveraging crypto-economic incentives and zkSNARKs technology. Users can excellent zero-knowledge zAssets by depositing agenda assets from any blockchain into Panther vaults. zAssets breeze beyond blockchains via a aloofness aboriginal interchain DEX and a clandestine metastrate. Panther envisions that zAssets will become an ever-expanding asset chic for users who appetite their affairs and strategies the way they should consistently accept been: private.

SupraOracles is a able cross-chain answer that helps businesses arch real-world abstracts to both accessible and clandestine chains, enabling interoperable acute affairs to automate, abridge and defended the approaching of banking markets. Supra Oracles strives to arch the gap amid acceptable basic markets and the Web3.0 ecosystem.  SupraOracles eyes – to empower the developer association with a atypical answer toolset so that they may calmly create, deploy, and administer abstracts applications with superb performance, robustness, and agility.‍‍