PARSIQ’s IQ Protocol Launches, Powering the Tokenized-SaaS Ecosystem of the Future
press release

PARSIQ’s IQ Protocol Launches, Powering the Tokenized-SaaS Ecosystem of the Future

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE PARSIQ launches its awful advancing IQ Agreement the aboriginal riskfree collateralless decentralized accounts agreement congenital accurately for the SoftwareasaService SaaS bazaar

31st March 2021, Tallinn, Estonia – PARSIQ has launched their advocate IQ Agreement on testnet (Ethereum) – a decentralized accounts (DeFi) band-aid for the SaaS market. IQ Agreement is the world’s aboriginal risk-free, collateral-less DeFi agreement to tokenize SaaS subscriptions in the DeFi amplitude with a annular economy. IQ Agreement appearance several accepted DeFi services, including staking, lending, and borrowing.

The barrage marks PARSIQ’s official access into the DeFi space. If the testnet absolution is successful, IQ Protocol’s mainnet is appointed to barrage in Q2 this year, and the aggregation already has absorption from several DeFi projects. Furthermore, the PARSIQ aggregation is because ablution the mainnet on several added chains, including Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and Solana (SOL), with which PARSIQ has already integrated.

IQ Protocol & Power Tokens

The IQ Agreement brings a new angle to DeFi solutions for the boilerplate environment. Not alone is the aliment of the protocol’s arrangement fully-trustless, but the agreement itself is open-source. Additionally, PARSIQ’s avant-garde accommodation to abolish the claim of accessory to participate in or body on IQ is addition aboriginal for the DeFi space, adverse the risks associated with DeFi participation.

IQ Protocol additionally takes an avant-garde access to badge account through the addition of Power Tokens. Unlike accepted account tokens which represent a anchored bulk of utility, Power Tokens accomplish account over time. Therefore, holders of Power Tokens “subscribe” to account rather than possessing a anchored quantity.

For example, the accepted “tomato token” would represent rights to aggregate 1 kg of tomatoes, admitting a Power “tomato token” (with account breeze and accomplishment in 1 year) would represent a appropriate to aggregate 1 kg of tomatoes per anniversary for a year.

Power Tokens are housed in a “Power Enterprise” – a alternation of acute affairs which accumulated several IQ Protocol features, including governance, funding, and the adeptness to excellent new Power Tokens.

The about-face to a subscription-first archetypal provides huge achievement allowances for blockchain-based networks including off-loading a cogent amount of affairs abroad from the main-chain. And in the best case, best main-chain affairs aren’t bare anymore.


A new, upgraded tokenomics archetypal additionally accompanies IQ’s launch, acute users to authority PRQ, PARSIQ’s built-in token. IQ allows users to borrow or “rent” PRQ via IQ Protocol by advantageous a fee. In effect, they pay a cable fee, with the gain advantageous lenders in a certain fashion. Accordingly, IQ’s archetypal rewards captivation in a simple but able way which additionally ensures the abiding aegis of its network.

Strong Partnerships & Developments

IQ’s barrage comes afterwards a acknowledged alpha to the year for the PARSIQ team. The accepted arrangement afresh integrated with the Solana ecosystem, acceptance SOL users to amalgamate abstracts streams and address custom scenarios application PARSIQ’s convenient scripting language.

PARSIQ additionally chip its Smart Triggers affection with abstracts exchange belvedere Ocean Protocol. The integration gives Ocean users the adeptness to automate reactions to specific abstracts inputs application PARSIQ’s different ecology solution.

This was additionally continued to Binance Smart Chain (BSC), with BSC users able to account from the aforementioned Smart Triggers feature. As allotment of the BSC integration, PARSIQ additionally became allotment of Binance’s $100 actor accelerator fund as allotment of the top-exchange’s efforts to animate avant-garde new projects to body on BSC.

Moreover, PARSIQ has chip with several added projects in the DeFi space, including Balancer, PAID Network, Injective Protocol, and abounding more. For added on these integrations, analysis out PARSIQ’s blog.



PARSIQ is a next-generation blockchain analytics belvedere congenital to affix blockchain action to off-chain applications and devices. It provides a cardinal of avant-garde solutions for actionable abstracts including customizable event-based triggers, abstracts ecology solutions, and real-time automation targeted at the SaaS space.

For added about IQ Protocol, PARSIQ, and its approaching plans, appointment PARSIQ’s website.

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