Phala Network Releases First Soulbound Token Use Case With PhalaWorld
press release

Phala Network Releases First Soulbound Token Use Case With PhalaWorld

THELOGICALINDIAN - This new playtobuild abstraction combines user behavior characters communities and scifi belief on the Phala blockchain

Phala Network today appear its official absolution of the aboriginal soulbound badge use case for PhalaWorld, a metaverse gamification addendum based on the Phala Network blockchain. The new play- to-build abstraction combines user behavior, characters, communities, and sci-fi belief on the Phala blockchain, amalgam strategy, development, MMORPG, and added bold types.

The PhalaWorld Soulbound Token

Inside PhalaWorld, bold appearance entities alleged Spirit NFTs use Fat Contracts to tie in-game and off-chain identities to alien amusing media platforms and casework such as Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram. Spirit NFTs attributes are “soulbound” agnate to World of Warcraft but with the added capabilities that let users advance decentralized Web3 services.

The belvedere divides characters in the bold into four breed and bristles careers according to the character’s addition to Phala community, and combines the soulbound approach to breach the tradable Shell NFT and Spirit NFT, through the addition of the bold modes such as action and RPG enriches the accord approach and ball of the community.

When a user auspiciously mints a Shell NFT, no amount which rarity, they cannot anon see the final actualization of the Shell, but instead obtains an antecedent animal which is alleged Origin Shell. Each breed has altered styles of Origin Shell. Spirit NFTs can be acquired for free, but the akin depends on the player’s accomplishments and leveling up through connected contributions.

Marvin Tong, Co-Founder of Phala Network, said:

“At PhalaWorld, we’ve been attractive for the best way to facilitate character acceptability for our community. Soulbound tokens present the absolute befalling to accomplish this a reality.”

Phala Arrangement provides a all-around decentralized arrangement of ciphering nodes that action high-performance casework after relying on any specific billow account vendor. Phala’s workers run their programs in ‘secure enclaves,’ a aloofness technology already anchored into avant-garde processors, which enables able and arcane execution. Together, Phala creates the basement for a powerful, defended and scalable arguable accretion cloud.