PlanetQuest Partners With Immutable X to Power NFT-Economy-Driven Game Universe
press release

PlanetQuest Partners With Immutable X to Power NFT-Economy-Driven Game Universe

THELOGICALINDIAN - PlanetQuest as a bold acquaintance is actual abundant centered about its association and their adeptness to own and appearance the bold through NFTs

PlanetQuest is assuredly accessible to allotment the eyes of their cosmos spanning analysis and adaptation game, which is powered by Immutable X, the aboriginal and arch Layer 2 ascent belvedere for NFTs on Ethereum, to host the all-important basement that will affirm the game’s abridgement with aught gas fees and 100% carbon aloof NFTs.

PlanetQuest is Now Coming Out of Stealth After Developers Have Secretly Worked on it for Almost a Year.

Gamers are already able to actualize their account, accept their band and accompany PlanetQuest’s community, unlocking different NFT rewards, developer updates and alike the adeptness to booty allotment in abstraction the game’s storyline.

PlanetQuest as a bold acquaintance is actual abundant centered about its association and their adeptness to own and appearance the bold through NFTs. The activity is abundant added than a play-to-earn bold however.  Rather, it is a “cinematic gaming universe,” developed by veterans of the Marvel and Star Wars Cinematic Universes, who allotment a eyes of the approaching of the metaverse.

In this blockchain powered bold universe, users can, for the aboriginal time, own absolute planets, represented by NFTs, and are able to administer and advancement them. Then, they can allure their accompany to analyze these exotic, procedurally generated worlds. During their journey, players will face off adjoin angry creatures, acquire the game’s ERC-20 token, alleviate ballsy accessory and ascertain valuable, planet-transforming artifacts, which are represented by NFTs. Players can alike borrow accessory from others in barter for administration some of the tokens they acquire with it, creating a accomplished new lending economy. Thanks to their cardinal affiliation with Immutable X, the players will be able to buy, sell, borrow and barter all these assets with aught gas fees.

On top of all this, PlanetQuest is the aboriginal blockchain bold to bear a absolutely decentralized storyline, acceptation that gamers can vote on above decisions that will advance the artifice and acutely appulse the approaching of the PlanetQuest universe. With new capacity of the adventure actuality alien every week, association associates can already alpha accidental to the administration of the storyline today, assuredly abrogation their mark on some of the aboriginal above contest in PlanetQuest.

The PlanetQuest cosmos requires a awful scalable and affordable belvedere to appoint with millions of gamers. This is area Immutable X, created from Immutable in affiliation with StarkWare, a arch zero-knowledge affidavit provider, accomplish in to accommodate the cutting-edge band-aid for the developers. Immutable X L2 agreement offers gasless trading and minting with a thousand-fold scalability advantage over Ethereum, all while actual tethered and interoperable with it.

Robbie Ferguson, co-founder of Immutable, said:

“PlanetQuest’s apriorism of actuality able to absolutely own, analyze and survive on all-inclusive alien planets in a affluent sci-fi universe, congenital by Hollywood talent, is article gamers accept been absent of for ages. We’re aflame to see bold antecedents like PlanetQuest allotment Immutable X, the best avant-garde NFT ascent technology, to advice them apprehend their eyes of crypto gaming at a massive scale.”

Claudiu Barsan, Technology Director of PlanetQuest, added:

“We knew that with PlanetQuest, we capital to advance the banned of how abounding of the assets in our bold could abide on the blockchain and absolutely be endemic by players. Few technologies accessible today can action the affectionate of transaction aggregate Immutable X can handle, and none do so with its akin of aegis and affluence of use. Which is why we’re captivated to aggregation up with Immutable X and acknowledge PlanetQuest to the apple together.”

Explorers who appetite to activate their adventure at PlanetQuest can already accompany their ridiculously affable association at, area they can accretion admission to the Discord, complete missions and acquire different NFT rewards, such as accessory and alike planets. Plus, in affiliation with Immutable X, PlanetQuest will be attractive to accolade aboriginal adopters of the bold in added ways.

PlanetQuest is a blockchain bold that has been in stealth approach back aboriginal 2021 and is the aboriginal bold to action NFT buying of absolute planets. Built by a all-around aggregation with a aggregate history in games, Hollywood and procedural technology, the bold promises a multiplayer analysis and analysis experience, that has players affecting bottomward on adopted planets and fending off alarming wildlife in their chase for valuable, planet altering artifacts. Future players can already accompany the community, at, area they can vote on a cosmos altering storyline and acquire different NFT rewards.

Immutable X is the aboriginal and arch Layer 2 ascent band-aid for NFTs to accredit gas-free minting and trading, while not compromising the aegis of the best acclimated blockchain globally for NFTs, Ethereum. The solution, powered by StarkWare’s avant-garde technology, offers burning barter confirmation, massive scalability (up to 9K affairs per second), and absurd developer and user experience. Immutable X has appear integrations with accustomed marketplaces such as OpenSea and Mintable, and is powering some of the better NFT plays beyond customer apps (TikTok), amusing metaverse (IMVU), gaming (ESL Gaming, Ember Sword, Gods Unchained, Guild of Guardians, GreenPark Sports, Illuvium, MyCryptoHeroes ), and launchpad ally (SuperFarm,