Play-to-Earn Game MonkeyBall to be Featured as Inaugural Flagship IDO on StarLaunch
press release

Play-to-Earn Game MonkeyBall to be Featured as Inaugural Flagship IDO on StarLaunch

THELOGICALINDIAN - The auction is appointed for November 30 alms 1 of MonkeyBalls absolute accumulation or 10000000 out of 1 billion MBS tokens

The Solana-based play-to-earn bold MonkeyBall has been called as the barrage accomplice of StarLaunch, a new Solana-based IDO and evolution platform.

The aboriginal IDO on a new belvedere sets the expectations for all of its approaching sales, both in agreement of the ability of projects and the ultimate after-effects for participants.

Choosing MonkeyBall comes as a accustomed best for StarLaunch, due to its ample association and broker abetment as able-bodied as able fundamentals as an avant-garde high-production-value, Play-to-Earn game. MonkeyBall aloft $3M from a host of adventure capitalists and angels including, amid others, Solana Ventures, NFX, iAngels, Longhash, CMS, Republic, Shalom Meckenzie (founder of DraftKings), Yoni Assia (founder of eToro), Shahaf Bar-Geffen (CEO of COTI) and Nimrod Lehavi (co-founder of Simplex).

MonkeyBall is a Play-2-Earn bold demography the turn-based bold feel of Final Fantasy into a FIFA Street-like ambience — but the soccer players are monkeys. Each amateur owns and controls a aggregation of four monkeys who charge win soccer matches adjoin added monkey teams. When acceptable matches, users are adored with MonkeyBucks $MBS, the capital badge that fuels the bold economy.

MBS can additionally be becoming back commutual missions, by owning stadiums that host games, or by accessory added matches and auspicious for a monkey team.

Users can absorb MBS tokens to advancement their monkey aggregation or to buy items from the game’s store. The in-game abundance and associated treasury will be managed by the bold DAO, absolute through the SCORE token, which ensures the accuracy and user-ownership of the game.

Owning MBS at this aboriginal date will additionally baptize holders to the accessible MonkeyBall NFT bead of 5000 Gen0 monkeys. These will again be the aboriginal accessible NFTs for architecture monkey teams already the bold launches.

The MonkeyBall IDO on StarLaunch will advantage its different bi-token accord model.

StarLaunch separates the abstraction of the babyminding badge and IDO admission stake, with the above done through $STARS, a deflationary token, while the closing role is delegated to Hydrazine ($N2H4). Hydrazine is the “fuel” acclimated to booty allotment in IDOs on StarLaunch, and it is generated by staking $STARS. Among the added different appearance of the StarLaunch pad is its allowance mechanism, which protects users from complete failures of the activity and absolute scams. This agency that allotment the appropriate projects for IDOs is alike added important.

Oren Langberg, arch of business at MonkeyBall, said:

“We are psyched to be called as StarLaunch’s flagship IDO. From the aggregation that brought us CardStarter, StarLaunch has all the appropriate elements we strove for in a partner, best chiefly a aggregation as committed and MonkeyNuts as us that additionally has a accurate clue almanac of acknowledged IDOs”

Aatash Amir, CEO at StarLaunch, added:

“MonkeyBall represents the approaching of on-chain gaming. As such we are captivated to accept them as our flagship IDO. As one of the best advancing play-to-earn amateur out there, MonkeyBall will set the accepted for the top-tier projects set to barrage on StarLaunch ”

MonkeyBall is a Solana-based, play-to-earn, turn-based soccer game, a affectionate of FIFA Street and Final Fantasy formed into one fun monkey-themed game. Gamers can acquire tokens by acceptable or artlessly adequate added people’s matches.

The bold offers a aerial assembly amount gaming acquaintance and is actuality developed on Unity, authoritative it cross-platform with Desktop and Mobile.

StarLaunch is a different and activating incubator and launchpad, abutting able Solana projects to aboriginal supporters and a arrangement of key partners. The StarLaunch aggregation operates by prioritizing its association first. Starlaunch brings thoroughly vetted projects to its association and protects IDO participants with an centralized allowance program.