Pocketcoin (PKOIN) Decentralized Social Token Trading Competition Rewards Just Doubled on Bilaxy
press release

Pocketcoin (PKOIN) Decentralized Social Token Trading Competition Rewards Just Doubled on Bilaxy

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Puerto Rico USA May 6 2024 To bless its abundant contempo successes one of the worlds foremost decentralized amusing networks Pocketnetapp has launched a trading challenge on its newest barter Bilaxycom Competition ends on May 13th the rewards for alive PKOIN traders on Bilaxy aloof angled to absolute 20k PKOIN PKOIN already acquired over 960 back its contempo alpha of trading on the Bilaxy exchange

What Is Pocketnet? Decentralized, Blockchain-Based Social Network

Pocketnetthink Facebook / Twitter / YouTube bare the censorship, all congenital on Bitcoin-like foundation. Pocketnet has additionally apparent one of the key challenges of a censorship-resistant amusing media platform, which is agreeable moderation. The arrangement sits aloft absolutely autonomous, decentralized nodes. Pocketcoin, the built-in token, helps facilitate this censorship resistance. If you like crypto, you’re gonna adulation Pocketnet!

Pocketnet was built-in out of a admiration to acknowledgment the ability and ascendancy of amusing networks aback to the applicable owners… the users! The Pocketnet team, advance beyond the globe, has formed endlessly for over two years, and their amount admiration has now embodied in accessible results. The censorship-resistant, decentralized foundation is complete, new appearance are actuality appear frequently, and the user abject is experiencing accelerated amoebic growth. Pocketnet operates as a Proof-Of-Stake network, and PKOIN rewards are aggregate amid Pocketnet nodes, and agreeable contributors. Look at that… a amusing arrangement that absolutely cares about its users!

Also, multilingual abutment is growing fast: English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, and Korean, with Mandarin advancing soon…

Competition Details:

Where: https://bilaxy.com/trade/PKOIN_USDT

Start Date: May 3, 2024

End Date: May 13, 2024

Winners: 50

Prizes: From 50 PKOIN up to 1050 PKOIN to the Grand Champion (with an allurement to accommodated with a clandestine accumulation of Crypto OGs that will be ecology the competition)

Competition Rules

Upcoming Pocketnet Releases:

Pocketnet is set to absolution a decentralized p2p encrypted messenger. It will be a absolutely clandestine and decentralized another to the brand of Whatsapp and added agnate apps, controlled by Big Tech. Absolution is appointed for the additional bisected of June.

Pocketnet Core aggregation is additionally alive on an NFT 3.0 project, that will acquiesce to bargain NFTs after assurance on alien sources like IPFS. Pocketnet’s NFT 3.0 will additionally accommodate the adeptness to appearance alone the examination of the artwork, so that the champ gets the encrypted archetype of the abounding assignment forth with a key to break the NFT. A absolutely different independent NFTs on the blockchain will become possible. Release appointed for July.

Pocketnet Core aggregation is additionally advancing a absolution of the decentralized video belvedere abutting the blockchain to video alive servers, appropriately accouterment a decentralized another to Youtube. Absolution is appointed for the alpha of June.

About Pocketnet:

Pocketnet is a decentralized, open-sourced, non-corporate project. It is modeled on Bitcoin and can be alleged the Bitcoin of amusing networks. Pocketnet is accurate by a arrangement of according decentralized nodes with users advancement abounding ascendancy of their abstracts and content.

Pocketnet rewards bulge operators, and all agreeable contributors. Active users can accretion reputation, and may again participate in the adult agreeable balance system.

Many alive bloggers accept alone Big Tech’s amusing network, and angry their absorption to Pocketnet.

Pocketcoin (PKOIN) is the built-in badge that facilitates the Proof-Of-Stake network, and discharge is bound to 24,375,000. There was no premine or ICO, as the Pocketnet aggregation is committed to the Bitcoin archetypal which encourages meritocracy.

Download the Pocketnet whitepaper here

Access the Pocketnet GitHub here


Media contacts:

[email protected]



Join the Team!

Pocketnet is accretion its aggregation of accomplished crypto programmers. Please acquaintance [email protected] with a github link.


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