PolkaLokr Listing on AscendEX
press release

PolkaLokr Listing on AscendEX

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE AscendEX aforetime BitMax an industryleading agenda asset trading belvedere congenital by Wall Street assistant trading veterans has appear the advertisement of the PolkaLokr Token LOKR beneath the brace USDTLOKR on May 10 at 100 pm UTC

Polkalokr is the aboriginal all-in-one, multi-chain badge locking and escrow belvedere with congenital aloofness functionality. Their products, LOKR and SWAPR, advice body assurance aural the Defi amplitude by removing the animal aspect and absorption on babyminding through cipher with a seamless, omnichannel agenda acquaintance platform. Polkalokr will acquaint the adeptness to bandy bound tokens, which is not yet accessible in the space.

They accept taken tokenomics to a new level. The answer affiliation allows projects to alpha vesting tokens based on events, for example, back the badge amount or artefact milestones are reached, instead of a time-based cliff. They will additionally accommodate projects with acquirement streams through their bound tokens. Polkalokr is multi-chain and not codicillary on aloof ERC20 or DOT. They are attractive to actualize new markets by introducing swap-locked tokens and absolute vesting to new buyers.

There is a abridgement of assurance in the agenda asset amplitude due to rug pulls and avenue scams. Polkalokr’s articles will advice assure the association from bad actors and accompany a band of accuracy to activity tokenomics. Their Native badge LOKR is acclimated for payments on the Polkalokr Platform. LOKR is additionally activated for governance, rewards, and staking.

About AscendEX

Originally founded in 2018 as BitMax.io, AscendEx is a arch crypto and agenda asset banking belvedere accouterment to both able and retail traders. Our area offers spot, futures, allowance trading and staking products and incorporates key elements from the DeFi amplitude to advance a different bazaar anatomy for users. AscendEx is led by a aggregation of Wall Street veterans who accept activated acceptable markets’ accuracy to actualize a robust, secure, and reliable acquaintance for all participants; and a constant antecedent of clamminess for primary offerings.

For added advice and updates, amuse visit:

Website: https://ascendex.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AscendEX_Global

Telegram: https://t.me/AscendEXEnglish

Medium: https://medium.com/ascendex


About Polkalokr

Polkalokr is the aboriginal all-in-one, multi-chain badge locking and escrow belvedere with congenital aloofness functionality. Their products, LOKR and SWAPR, advice body assurance aural the Defi amplitude by removing the animal aspect and absorption on babyminding through code, with a seamless, omnichannel agenda acquaintance platform.

For added advice and updates, amuse visit:

Website: https://polkalokr.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/polkalokr

Telegram: http://t.me/Polkalokr

Medium: https://medium.com/@Polkalokr


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