PR: Announcing the Cove ICO Pre-Sale: Helping People Take Back Control of Their Digital Identity
press release

PR: Announcing the Cove ICO Pre-Sale: Helping People Take Back Control of Their Digital Identity

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Cove Identity is aflame to advertise it’s accessible ICO, appointed for end September. The ICO will abide of a pre-sale with discounted tokens to incentivise aboriginal advance and a abounding ICO which will booty abode a few weeks afterwards the pre-sale. Added capacity including the whitepaper, badge anatomy and appraisement will chase shortly. You can assurance up at the website to be the aboriginal to apperceive back the whitepaper is released. Today, we are absolution a beneath abstruse of the whitepaper to accord investors added capacity about the project. You can download the PDF on our ICO advice page;

How Cove Character Works
With Cove, a user can actualize a defended wallet on their buzz to abundance digitally-verified copies, as acceptable as the original, of their best important documents. They can verify their abstracts with added users and organisations on the blockchain, eventually acceptance them to calmly and deeply validate their character online and offline. Hundreds of bodies accept already downloaded the aboriginal adaptation of the app from the Android and iPhone app stores.

Cove helps users booty end-to-end ascendancy of their agenda character and documents:
1. Calmly actualize defended agenda backups of your best important documents.
2. Cove automatically scans and tidies abstracts and uses argument acceptance to advance tags, calmly organising the documents.
3. The Cove Defended Wallet uses the end to-end-encryption to ensure the user’s files are as defended as they can be.
3. The Cove Arrangement offers assorted means for users to verify the actuality of their anchored abstracts and the capacity aural them. A analysis account will be accumulated with every acknowledged analysis authoritative it more acceptable for 3rd parties to acquire these abstracts as valid.
4. With all their important abstracts absolute and deeply stored in their defended wallet, users can calmly validate their character with 3rd parties that are both on the Cove accomplice arrangement and off it through assorted validation options. Blockchain helps in both the analysis and validation processes.

Why advance in the Cove ICO
Cove has all the elements in abode to advance a able ICO and advance a abundant artefact that gives accurate amount to the user:
-Cove already has a adamant and able 15 affiliate aggregation in place
-The artefact already exists and is accepting able aboriginal traction
-We will run a professional, fair and cellophane ICO
-The befalling is huge with abundant abeyant allotment for investors

Kunal Nandwani, CEO of Cove said: “Our aggregation has been alive adamantine over the accomplished year to advance a abundant artefact with a abundant use case for blockchain that exists appropriate now. We’ll be afterward the aforementioned aerial standards with our ICO and are aflame to allotment our artefact with our investors and the blow of the world”.
For added advice on the accessible ICO, apprehend our abstruse and assurance up to apperceive back we absolution our abounding whitepaper and added capacity about the ICO. If you accept any questions amuse feel chargeless to acquaintance us at [email protected]

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