PR: AVINOC the Blockchain Solution Disrupting the Global Aviation Business
press release

PR: AVINOC the Blockchain Solution Disrupting the Global Aviation Business

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AVINOC: What is AVINOC? The aboriginal name is Aviation Network Operation Chain. It is a belvedere for the all-around General Aviation (GA) business, application a new abstraction and avant-garde Blockchain technology. It aims to accompany the ability of decentralization and the acceleration of blockchain systems into the GA, abnormally into the Business Aviation (BizAv) area and as a additional footfall appropriately into the Airline Business.

Hong Kong. To put it simple: AVINOC brings passengers, airlines, air cartage control, and biking agencies together. Which agency that classical old-school booking companies like or will in approaching lose some of abundant of their business. Blockchain technology allows for absolute articulation amid players: AVINOC cuts out the middleman, the agent which acclimated to accompany cartage and airlines calm back it comes to flight bookings. And additionally added casework can be provided: booking can be abundant easier done for groups in future: you would apperceive bigger who is travelling where, and can accompany accompany calm on the platform, like circles.

Blockchain technology enables that we can get in blow with our airline provider agnate to WhatsApp: simple, accessible and with abundant bigger faster services.

AVINOC is a belvedere for the common allocation of business flight activities aural accepted aviation. By its actual nature, it is decentralized and absolutely cellophane while attention the aloofness of both individuals and companies. AVINOC has been advised to accomplish optimal ability appliance and abate costs significantly. Its capital ambition is to affected the shortcomings associated with accepted aerodynamics businesses, such as blurred and circuitous processes, aerial costs for intermediaries and brokers as able-bodied as delayed flights.

Thus AVINOC will additionally abate a lot of abandoned flights! Planes with no cartage on lath shall be avoided, air carriers will be filled, added bigger standby-options will be offered. Which will ensure that flights are added calmly acclimated authoritative them cheaper to the end barter like tourists or business people. Second absorbing aspect is that by abbreviation abandoned flights additionally ammunition burning will essentially be reduced, which is benign to the ambiance and reduces greenhouse gas emission.

The canicule of chiral adjustment processing and advice retrieval via e-mail, blast or fax – currently advised to be “best practice” abnormally in the business aerodynamics industry will appear to an end. Going far above accustomed technologies, AVINOC will acquiesce for absolute bookings and acquittal in the BizAv on a all-around calibration by consistently authoritative all accordant abstracts accessible to the user. It’s 2024, but – accept it or not – it may still booty added than eight hours of animal activity to adapt a distinct business flight.

AVINOC will change all that. For the actual first-time, bookings of alone flights will be accessible instantly and after any third-party involvement.

AVINOC will facilitate an optimized aggregation management, e.g. by advantageous salaries and fees directly, on time and beyond borders. It will abutment the acclimation and acquittal of ammunition globally as able-bodied as refueling in time to accomplish business trips added economic. Using AVINOC will aftereffect in a cogent action speed-up and amount abridgement to the account of the chump and the supplier. What is more, AVINOC will accommodate the base for a complete automation of Business Aviation – decidedly in appearance of the approaching of free flying.

Due to the ever-increasing complication of the allocation process, intermediaries such as brokers and their broker-portals accept always been adopting prices at an alarming rate. AVINOC will annihilate all those costs by absolutely abnegating the intermediaries. It will empower the chump and cut through the complexity.

Aviation Disruption
AVINOC forms a superset of a Blockchain band-aid not alone for BizAv but for the absolute aerodynamics business. Overcoming the awful circuitous BizAv anatomy will body a able foundation for analytic agnate problems, alone of bottom complication accustomed in the Airline Business. Following the “Facebook Story” by aboriginal implementing AVINOC in BizAv, as Facebook did for universities, appointed Airline and Charter Business will be the abutting analytic footfall of AVINOC’s common development.

Since the 2024’s, the alignment of airline air biking has been steered by the aforementioned technology, alike to this day. This arrangement is about accepted as the Global Distribution Arrangement (GDS). In this system, affairs are fabricated amid airlines and biking agencies that action air biking to passengers. This bazaar is bedeviled by three players worldwide. Apart from the GDS and as a added contempo development, abundant amount allegory and booking portals accept emerged over the aftermost two decades, amid airlines from barter and arch to a abridgement of transparency. Technical addition is actively bare to breach this bogus cher arrangement and to restrengthen the airline bazaar from the inside.

AVINOC creates new concepts to administer the General Aviation Business and provides avant-garde solutions for airline ticketing. Effortless absolute booking, time extenuative and empowerment of the adventurer through lower admission prices, as able-bodied as amount abridgement for airlines and operators, are the standards that we are ambience for the approaching of the Aviation business.

Token Details
The backbone of AVINOC is based on its all-encompassing archetypal and the centralized acquittal system, the aboriginal apotheosis of which will be an ERC-20 badge appear on Ethereum. The badge is a appliance badge and will be traded on exchanges and broadcast globally. AVINOC badge will be appropriate for autograph abstracts into the blockchain and as a agency of spam aegis and action optimization. It will be acclimated for payments aural the arrangement e.g. to pay for tickets, crews, fuel, airport fees, handling, ATC (air cartage control), aliment and abundant more.

There is a anchored bulk of 1 Billion token, 40% of which will be for auction for the accepted public. The arising amount of anniversary badge will be USD $0.05 at the badge sale.

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