PR: Cross Exchange Announces XCR Token and Establishes Private Fund
press release

PR: Cross Exchange Announces XCR Token and Establishes Private Fund

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CROSS is a activity aiming to advance an barter belvedere that trades assorted agenda assets globally including CROSS barter for the advancing agenda asset and agenda money society.

The amount of CROSS (XCR) is to “provide a belvedere for exchanging all kinds of agenda assets.”

The purpose of this IEO implementation, is to advance the amount of XEX issued by XCR and CROSS exchange.

CROSS is advised to use transaction fees for the XCR acknowledgment & afire (burning of of XCR tokens).

XCR’s amount can access through the acknowledgment and afire of XCR by transaction fees through the assorted casework provided by CROSS.

The acknowledgment and afire of XCR will best afresh be fabricated through the afterward services:

Transaction fees for cryptocurrency prepaid cards application XCR, which barrage in September RMT (Real Money Exchange) transaction fees, which will alpha in September Transaction fees for a blockchain-based point arising arrangement appointed to alpha about October~November

CROSS exchange, which initially opened as the CROSS activity on 11/25/2024, bound became a world-class cryptocurrency barter accretion its name of CROSS barter and CROSS (XCR) to abounding users globally.

CROSS (XCR) concluded its clandestine auction aboriginal 2024, acquired added than 30,000 badge holders, and there were abounding requests for added sales. To date, we accept answer the XCR amount exceptional after any added badge sales.

As a aftereffect of investigating the timing of advertisement for XCR, the amount of this badge will be bigger through:

1. Reducing the absolute cardinal of tokens issued by about 700 million
2. Long-Term lock-up of about 21% for Super Nodes of XCR circulating in the market

These two credibility are reflected in the badge design.
* Recalculation at the end of the IEO and absorption of the cardinal of tokens

In agreement of technology, the Xwallet (expected absolution during Q4) and the CROSS arrangement accept three all-embracing affidavit and patents (accepted) for free broadcast technology.

Based on this technology, our “autonomous broadcast wallet” and Xwallet are affiliated by free broadcast technology to anatomy the CROSS network.

This free broadcast technology boasts the following:

A decentralized cryptocurrency barter with actual low hacking risk
A cryptocurrency wallet with insurance
A QR cipher acquittal wallet

This can be acclimated for abounding casework accompanying to storage, management, and trading of agenda assets.

In the future, assorted applications and platforms will be affiliated to the CROSS network, and XCR will be captivated in account operations and transaction processing to body a badge economy.

Use Cases of XCR

Core badge functionality that can be acclimated for assorted casework aural CROSS exchange
Super Node staking function
Transaction acquirement acknowledgment function
Purchase of a cryptocurrency prepaid card, ONECARD, with XCR
XCR assimilation back arising blockchain abject credibility on the RMT platform
Utility badge action digested in assorted platforms deployed on the CROSS network
Mining rewards assets afterwards the mainnet release
Blockchain based point arising system

Purpose of Conducting an IEO

Aiming to accession 100,000,000 XEX through IEO implementation
Establish a clandestine armamentarium (the XEX Clandestine Fund) adjourned with 100,000,000 XEX
Buyback of XCR and XEX with the XEX Clandestine Fund
Secure development funds through XEX acquirement sharing

Use of XEX Fund Assets

⇒ 25% acclimated to acquirement XEX (mainly to addition liquidity)
⇒ 25%, acclimated for XCR afire and to access liquidity
⇒ 50%, acclimated for CROSS arrangement development costs

XEX acquired by the XEX Fund will be in a 100% abiding lock-up (including antecedent acquisition)

Market Impact

XCR’s all-embracing repurchase of XEX decidedly reduces the XEX bazaar distribution. Further, the XEX Private Fund will abide to acquirement XEX, abbreviation accumulation and potentially accretion value. Regarding XCR, we apprehend bazaar apportionment to gradually abatement and absence to access through the acknowledgment & afire by the XEX Private Fund.

Token Design afterwards the XCR IEO

XEX Token Design
Up to 7.4% of XEX Total Mined Quantity (vs. ~1.34 billion) to be assuredly locked

XCR badge design
Reduce the absolute cardinal of issued tokens from 1.6 billion to 900 million
Up to 21% (~120 million) of the bazaar apportionment (~550 million) will be bound at listing


January 2024
CROSS (XCR) clandestine auction started

November 2024
CROSS barter opened

December 2024
Architecture on CROSS arrangement completed

March 2024
Obtained apparent for free decentralized technology

April 2024
Adoption of International Papers on free broadcast aegis technology

August 2024
Adopted International Paper on free broadcast aegis technology
and on decentralized exchanges application decentralized technology

September 2024
Opening of a absolute money barter market
Start trading XCR in a absolute money barter market

September 2024
Start of the cryptocurrency prepaid agenda “ONECARD” service


CROSS exchange



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