PR: Dmarket Cross-Game Extends Token Presale and Announces the New Dates of Crowdsale
press release

PR: Dmarket Cross-Game Extends Token Presale and Announces the New Dates of Crowdsale

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Santa Monica, CA. – DMarket, the world’s aboriginal and alone all-around blockchain-based cross-game marketplace, appear today the addendum of its badge presale.

“Due to the accessible Bitcoin Segwit2x adamantine fork, we’ve accustomed too abounding requests from investors to extend DMarket Badge presale. To amuse these requests, we’ll abutting badge presale 48 hours afterwards the accumulation of block 494784. Crowdsale begins November 14. We’re accomplishing this to actualize favorable altitude for crypto investments,” said Volodymyr Panchenko, CEO and Founder of DMarket.

DMarket allocates 37,500,000 tokens for presale adamantine cap (about $15 million).

DMarket’s capital altitude abide the same. Specifically, minimum transaction bulk at presale is 125,000 DMarket tokens (166.67 ETH), best transaction is bound to 2,500,000 DMarket tokens (3333.33 ETH).

Crowdsale will be captivated from November 14 to November 28. Minimum bulk of transaction will accomplish 75 DMarket Token (0.1 ETH), best bulk – 25,000 DMarket Token (33.334 ETH).

Exchange amount for both presale and crowdsale is 750 DMarket tokens for 1 ETH. Accepted currencies are ETH, BTC, and LTC. DMarket sets according badge auction rules for all investors, with no exceptions. The aggregation will not awning any hidden or accessible bonuses provided at the presale appearance at the amount of crowdsale contributions.

DMarket allocates 100,000,000 tokens (about $40 million) adamantine cap for the final sale.

To annihilate bazaar ascendancy and any accessible manipulations, DMarket sells 85% of all its tokens, and affluence 15% of the tokens for artefact development, advisers, and partners.

As a reminder, DMarket has already aloft $10.9 actor during a 4-day Token Sale in August 2017. The aggregation presented an Alpha/DEMO adaptation of its exchange and blockchain testnet on October 30, 2017.

About DMarket:

DMarket is the world’s aboriginal cross-game belvedere based on blockchain and acute affairs that enables one-click sale, exchange, or appraisal of every basic account amid all amateur on any platform. DMarket badge will be the alone basic bill acclimated aural the platform, accouterment altered options items trade-in, exchange, fee, and acute contract.

With DMarket, any gamer becomes the absolute buyer of his/her bold items. With DMarket’s blockchain, all basic assets become real, like BTC and ETH, in the wallet.

DMarket’s ambition is to body a new all-around abridgement account added than $450 billion in a cellophane and able way.

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