PR: Enjin Coin Gaming Token Supported in Coinomi Wallet
press release

PR: Enjin Coin Gaming Token Supported in Coinomi Wallet

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SINGAPORE, September 6, 2024 – Enjin has partnered with Coinomi to natively abutment Enjin Coin (ENJ) tokens in the accepted cryptocurrency wallet for Android. Coinomi will additionally be acceptance one bang addition anon from their wallet into Enjin’s advancing pre-sale, which has already surpassed USD $5 million. Crowdsale contributions through the wallet will additionally be accessible during their accessible ICO in aboriginal October.

“We are captivated that Enjin Coin is demography off and actuality adopted into such a absurd adaptable wallet.” said Enjin CEO Maxim Blagov. “This will access acquaintance in the association and accord users an accessible way to transact and barter Enjin Coins afterwards badge administration begins abutting month.”

“It’s a absolute fit;” said Coinomi CEO George Kimionis. “Enjin allows for accurate account buying area users can accompany or barter their assets from one bold to another, and now these users are accustomed the advantage to deeply abundance and barter these assets central the industry’s arch multi-asset wallet that allows for accurate buying with the clandestine keys never abrogation the users’ devices. That ability complete accustomed accustomed the contempo developments in the blockchain apple but attractive aback a few years it’s absolutely amazing how accessible and defended this action has become, alms an unparalleled abandon never accessible before.”

The affiliation will additionally acquaint Enjin Coin to Coinomi accomplice exchanges Shapeshift and Changelly through their affiliated channels. This would acquiesce for in-app barter of ENJ with added accurate cryptocurrency pairings, if the exchanges accede to account Enjin Coin on their trading platforms.

Enjin Coin’s affiliation with Coinomi is an important footfall for the new gaming currency, which has been seeing ascent acceptance back the alpha of the pre-sale in backward August.

For added advice on Enjin Coin, appointment or acquaintance Lilia Pritchard at [email protected].

About Enjin
Enjin is the better gaming association conception platform​ online with over 18.7 actor users. The company, based in Singapore, was launched in 2024 and now sees added than 60 actor all-around angle a month. Enjin now sees millions of USD per ages in basic acceptable sales.

About Coinomi
Coinomi is a security-first multi-asset wallet that provides built-in abutment for 79 blockchains and 200 tokens extensive the alarming absolute of 279 bill and tokens and 1,574 trading pairs, accessible in 168 authorization bill representations and 25 languages! Founded in 2014 it’s the oldest multi-asset wallet with hundreds of bags of blessed users while at the aforementioned time no Coinomi wallet has anytime been afraid or contrarily compromised. See added at:

Media Contact
Lilia Pritchard

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[email protected]
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