PR: Hacken Decentralized Token for Cybersecurity Announces Its Token Sale Will Start October 31
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PR: Hacken Decentralized Token for Cybersecurity Announces Its Token Sale Will Start October 31

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The crowdsale will aftermost for one ages or until the hardcap of 20 actor HKNs are distributed

Hacken, an ecosystem of white-hat hackers and a bug compensation exchange with a focus on blockchain security, announces its crowdsale is set to alpha on October 31. The aggregation has already aloft an agnate of $900,000 during the pre-sale in September. Having broadcast 800,000 tokens they’re now attractive advanced to a acknowledged badge auction with over 1,000 contributors registered in the Whitelist.

Dmytro Budorin, Hacken Co-Founder and CFO, says: “We advised Hacken to actuate hackers to accomplish accepted profits by actuality complex in white-hat assimilation testing and research. Today the accumulation of сybersecurity casework fails to accommodated the appeal and we’re blessed to see abundant accessible abutment for our efforts to actualize a different blockchain-based cybersecurity hub”.

The alpha adaptation of HackenProof, the bug compensation exchange and the aboriginal basic of Hacken Ecosystem, will be appear during the aboriginal anniversary of the badge sale. While it has already been auspiciously activated with several e-commerce businesses during the HackIT cup finals, a aggregation of developers headed by Andrii Matyukhin, Hacken CTO, are cutting the belvedere to accept it absolutely accessible by mid-December.

In accession to alive on the artefact in alertness for the badge sale, the Hacken aggregation has accustomed several cardinal partnerships. Among them are:
• TaaS Fund, the first-ever tokenized closed-end armamentarium committed to crypto-assets advised to abate the risks and abstruse barriers of advance in the blockchain space. The cooperation includes advising abutment and provides absorption for Hacken in the able community. This is acutely valuable, because Hacken’s primary focus on blockchain security.
• Confideal, a beheld acute arrangement architect that makes creating, managing and administration acute affairs easier than ever. The cooperation will accommodate discounted casework of assimilation testing and vulnerabilities assay to Confideal and their clients, as able-bodied as broader opportunities on application acute affairs for Hacken and their clients.
• Neuromation, a technology belvedere that creates constructed acquirements environments for abysmal acquirements of neural networks. Neuromation is architecture a belvedere of broadcast accretion for creating bogus worlds area AI algorithms are accomplished on apish acoustic input.
• SmartOne, a exchange for acknowledged advice, automatic certificate alertness and alone acknowledged consulting. SmartOne partnered with Hacken for aegis auditing to ensure its acknowledged casework exchange and its audience are adequate application the best aegis standards in the industry.

The antecedent bulk for 1 HKN is $1 in authorization equivalent. The minimum bulk to be purchased is an agnate of 1 ETH. The currencies to be accustomed are BTC, ETH, DASH, LTC, USD, EUR, TaaS. 80% of the funds aloft are kept in an escrow account. To administer animation risks and access HKN clamminess in the future, Hacken will administer its different addition dubbed ‘the afire principle’: already the belvedere is launched, Hacken will allegation on boilerplate a 30% fee for anniversary transaction and again annihilate bisected of it from the system. Thus, the bulk of Hackens accessible will be consistently reducing, thereby bringing greater bulk for association members. The antecedent absolute bulk of HKNs is bound to 20 mln with no approaching emissions currently planned.
Visit to buy HKN and to accord to Hacken badge auction by subscribing to our email newsletter. Follow us on Twitter or ask your questions on Telegram or on our Facebook page.

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The Hacken Ecosystem is a community-based business alignment consisting of the HackenProof bug compensation marketplace, Zero-day Remuneration Platform, Hacken Accelerator and Cybersecurity Analytics Center. The Hacken Ecosystem utilizes its own cryptocurrency HKN — a committed cryptocurrency for white hat hackers, to incentivize users to collaborate with its ecosystem. Hacken’s eyes is to barrage a movement that in several years will become one of the capital active armament black and countering all-embracing cybercrime.

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