PR: Own a Piece of the $1.4 Billion Digital Trading Card Games Market with Nova Tokens
press release

PR: Own a Piece of the $1.4 Billion Digital Trading Card Games Market with Nova Tokens

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The abutting change of agenda agenda gaming is coming.

Nova Blitz is deploying the Nova Token, an Ethereum badge based on the ERC-20 standard. The belvedere allows players to own their agenda cards, win absolute prizes in tournaments, and acquire copies of cards through affidavit of stake. As with acceptable trading agenda games, players assemble decks consisting of a aggregate of cards and action anniversary added in gaming arenas for celebrity and prizes. Both the agenda cards and Nova Tokens are ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain, so players can buy, sell, and barter anon on the blockchain. As players own the agenda cards in their collection, they will be able to advertise these cards for Nova Tokens on the in-game agenda barter and on the Ethereum blockchain.

The Nova Token is advised accurately to abode the needs of bold developers and agenda gamers. The Nova Token addresses the 3 analytical affliction credibility in the agenda trading agenda amateur market, i.e. giving players absolute buying – not authorization of use – of their agenda items, accouterment a exchange for trading agenda items, and acceptable collectability and amount of agenda items.

The Nova Blitz belvedere additionally allows third affair bold developers to arrange their amateur on the platform, thereby dispatch the advance of the bold development industry.

Nova Blitz is brash by Richard Garfield, the architect of Magic: The Gathering, the world’s acknowledged trading agenda game, and Skaff Elias, the artist of the Magic Pro Tour.

Proof Of Stake Earns You Cards: Every time Nova Blitz releases a new card, all players acquire copies of it based on their backing of Nova Tokens. The added tokens players own, the added cards they receive. Each tradeable agenda has a altered administration based on their aberration – and therefore, this helps drive a advantageous accessory bazaar for Nova Tokens as able-bodied as the cards themselves.

About Nova Blitz: The Nova Blitz Trading Agenda Bold is the world’s aboriginal real-time trading agenda game, broadcast and continued assimilate the Ethereum blockchain. Built from the arena up for quick amateur and connected amateur interaction, every bout of Nova Blitz is a absolute alloy of activity and action. Anniversary about-face plays out in absolute time, and both players comedy at the aforementioned time. This cuts out all the blow players acquaintance in a accustomed trading agenda game, and makes bold comedy fast – amateur booty beneath than 5 account each.

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