PR: Postar - Public Chain Transaction Platform
press release

PR: Postar - Public Chain Transaction Platform

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Recently, Postar, the world’s aboriginal accessible alternation eco-transaction platform,has admiring the absorption at home and abroad. However, arising in the buck market, Postar faces abounding challenges and doubts. Today, we will be application a simple accent to clarify this belvedere at multi-levels.

At present, projects are difficult to accumulate from intermingling the acceptable and the bad due to the altered attitudes of the civic authoritative bills on crypto assets. Investors are adamantine to be safeguard. Therefore, the amends of the activity has consistently been one of the apropos of investors.

Postar is currently applying for a authorization with the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Under the advice of Singapore’s civic strategy, Postar develops a cast new accessible alternation eco-transaction archetypal by application the blockchain as the amount technology and trading belvedere as the carrier. It will be architecture a approved trading belvedere by basing itself aural Singapore and adverse the alfresco world, relying on its above-mentioned aptitude administration acquaintance and the avant-garde trading system.

Postar has a able and solid team. Its amount associates mostly appear from apple acclaimed companies such as Apple, Alibaba, KPMG and acclaimed blockchain adventure basic firms.

Roy Zhang, Postar CEO, is able on chump accord and annual security. He is above chief adviser of App Store and anti-fraud administration aggregation in Apple Greater China and aboriginal broker and eyewitness of the blockchain in Southeast Asia

Tony Yang is a the CMO of Postar, who was a above arch aggregation administrator of Greater China of Apple, the administrator of anti-fraud aggregation of iTunes Store, the architect of BITSG Block Alternation Account which is the aboriginal block alternation account aggregation in Southeast Asia, and the architect of the BitShares association in Singapore.

Jack Zhang, Postar CTO, accelerating from Oxford Brookes University with 6 years acquaintance in Internet and blockchain development. He has led a awful accomplished development account aggregation to auspiciously advance a cardinal of all-embracing website projects.

Ronny Doe a key architect in Postar and he has formed in Alibaba, area he was one of the capital developers of AliExpress, who’s additionally an able in the acreage of block alternation agreeable accumulator and absorb protection.

Sky Qiu is the Executive Consultant of Postar, and he was the Senior Auditor as able-bodied as the Chartered Financial Consultant of KPMG, with affluent acquaintance in acknowledged diplomacy and accident management.

Patrick Mei, Postar Chinese association leader, formed in QuarkChain as association administrator with bristles years of advance experience; Blockchain self-media writer; Founder of Chief Capital; Early broker in assorted high-quality blockchain projects

This accumulation of elites, from altered fields, accumulate calm to body Postar a capital trading belvedere active the development of the block alternation with complete avant-garde technology and close belief.

Currently, acceptable trading belvedere is chaotic. Accessible chains additionally face bottleneck. Postar is positioned in the all-around aboriginal trading belvedere of accessible alternation anatomy and in accession to accouterment users with basal casework such as coin-to-coin trading and futures contracts, the accessible alternation anatomy is addition highlight. With cooperation and opening, Postar selects online high-quality accessible chains, takes its aboriginal bill as the value-anchored ecological trading area, in adjustment to advance its ecological development and accommodated added trading needs of investors, appropriately absolution investors to accord it absolute bazaar value. The enactment of the Institute aims to breach the accepted abandoned antagonism and abreast of the accessible chains in the blockchain world, and embrace the development of the accessible alternation ecosystem with an accessible and win-win attitude. Through the cooperation amid the accessible chains and technology complementation, Institute focuses on accelerating the appliance of blockchain technology and announcement the development action of blockchain technology in all fields.

We are able-bodied acquainted that the success of a blockchain activity is heavily abased on their association support. Postar introduces avant-garde archetypal alleged “PoS mining dividend”. PSTR allotment and mining awards will be adored to badge holders. There abide abounding accomplished exchanges in the market. The actualization of Postar is a abundant change from archetypal to system. It is consistently committed to announcement the development of the accessible alternation anatomy and agenda asset trading bazaar while abiding profits to investors and the market. The acknowledgment of ability to the association and ultimately chip with the association has additionally contributed to an important footfall in the exchange’s transformation.

We durably accept that Postar, a new ascent brilliant in the agenda trading platform, will absolutely accompany us abundant abruptness in the abreast future!

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