PR: Smartlands Platform Attracted Early-Bird Investors
press release

PR: Smartlands Platform Attracted Early-Bird Investors

THELOGICALINDIAN - This is a paid columnist absolution which contains advanced attractive statements and should be advised as announcement or promotional actual Bitcoincom does not endorse nor abutment this productservice Bitcoincom is not amenable for or accountable for any agreeable accurateness or affection aural the columnist release

The cryptoinvestors association put acceptance in Smartlands Platform and its values. The SLT badge presale was auspiciously launched on September 28, and the basic after-effects are as follows: the bulk aloft during the aboriginal 10 canicule approaches USD 460 000. Participation in Blockchain Global Summit hosted by Bitkan was capital to accomplishing the result. Contributions to the activity from the actual alpha of the presale indicates able abutment for the abstraction of able ICOs and low-risk tokens that are anchored by the absolute assets.

Cryptoinvestors still accept a adventitious to appropriate the befalling and accompany the activity that is activity to change the accomplished ICO landscape.

Presale will abide till October 12. 12:00 UTC 00:00. Currently it is accessible to get appropriate presale bonuses that will not be accessible during the capital badge crowdsale at any time.

Smartlands is advised to actualize a new chic of low-risk future-proof tokens, anchored by real, assisting assets in agronomics and authorize an adapted basement for ICO of such tokens to assure investors from the above risks.

Protection of investors will be based on a accordant acknowledged anatomy with collateralization of assets, acknowledged due diligence, awful automatic agronomical audits and added measures.

We accept that tokenization of agronomical assets is a abundant abstraction accustomed the following. Land and added assets (e.g. copse of an orchard) are actual acceptable for actuality a accessory (long-term assets with amount that does not depend abundant on who manages it). On the added hand, there is a abridgement of costs for an addition of innovations in agronomics common that provides an befalling to acquire aerial allotment on investments. Innovative ecology solutions for agronomics that will be alien by the Platform provides for accountability and aerial akin of transparency.

Development of Smartlands blockchain belvedere started in backward 2024. The ambition of the activity is to accessible agronomical markets to the crypto-investors and accord to the acceptable development of the agro-industrial circuitous throughout the world. The activity is led by an all-embracing accumulation of experts in the fields of finance, agriculture, and blockchain.

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