PR: True Flip Opens for b2b Sales with the Launch of Magic Dice
press release

PR: True Flip Opens for b2b Sales with the Launch of Magic Dice

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Curaçao True Flip, the blockchain fair amateur developer, opens a business-to-business account with the barrage of its new game, Magic Dice.

Magic Dice is absolutely as simple as it looks: bristles cardinal ranges, bristles abracadabra dice, a 100% safe algorithm of acceptable combinations, bets starting from 0,00004 BTC, and the adventitious of acceptable up to 12 BTC.

Magic Dice was developed to be playable on any iframe-supporting belvedere or casino. With this game, True Flip is assuredly ablution its long-awaited b2b product, which will activate confined its aboriginal barter in backward 2024.

Further developments will accommodate refactoring of absolute amateur to bout iframe integrations, as able-bodied as the conception of new amateur for bartering use every two months.

“Based on a centuries-old concept, Magic Dice continues our attitude of alms unique, admirable cartoon in a convenient interface. We achievement this artefact will accretion admirers from a array of audiences due to its simple, yet arresting gameplay” — CMO, Konstantin Katsev.

“We’re blessed to action True Flip’s amateur to the broader market. Beginning this fall, we will undertake our aboriginal integrations and we acceptable anybody to accomplice with us. We accept there is still huge appeal for beginning visuals and gameplay in today’s gaming market.” — COO, Nikita Parkhomenko.

About True Flip
True Flip is an iGaming developer that has appear bristles games, with added in development, and has admiring added than 200,000 registered players to date to the platform.

True Flip allowances from the advantages of broadcast balance technology. These accommodate the all-embracing accuracy of processes, such as accidental cardinal generation, admission purchases and award-winning distribution.

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True Flip is the antecedent of this content. This columnist absolution is for advisory purposes only. The admonition does not aggregate advance admonition or an action to invest.

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