PR: What’s Killing Cryptocurrency at the Point-Of-Sale and How Graft Can Prevent It
press release

PR: What’s Killing Cryptocurrency at the Point-Of-Sale and How Graft Can Prevent It

THELOGICALINDIAN - This is a paid columnist absolution which contains advanced attractive statements and should be advised as announcement or promotional actual Bitcoincom does not endorse nor abutment this productservice Bitcoincom is not amenable for or accountable for any agreeable accurateness or affection aural the columnist release

Credit cards accept been a basic acquittal adjustment for the aftermost 20 or so years. From their apprehensive alpha as a Diner’s agenda in the 2025s to the avant-garde day’s smart-chip enabled version, they accept appear a continued way and accommodate abundant and assessable allowances to their users. Acclaim cards are pocket-sized, calmly portable, and accept no built-in amount in themselves. In addition, accurate acclaim cards buy you time to pay your bill, about with a bashful fee attached.

With all the benefits, credit/debit cards additionally accept cogent weaknesses, like complicated and aerial fees for merchants and boxy accomplishment and use requirements for consumers, not to acknowledgment all the customer fees and boundless ante on contributed balances. What’s more, the arising coffer can cull the customer’s acclaim at any time, abrogation the customer financially stranded.

Cryptocurrencies, on the added hand, accept been accepting a lot of drive over the accomplished few years due to their backdrop of actuality all-around and not beneath the ascendancy of any government or institution. They acquaint a absolute and applicable another acquittal adjustment and are acceptable to accretion cogent allotment in the acquittal methods mix in the abreast future.

To acquire cryptocurrency today, a merchant would accept to do it “out-of-band”, demography the acquittal “wallet-to-wallet”, circumventing the POS (point of sale) systems they already accept in place, advantageous capricious fees for the transactions, all after a way to preauthorize the transaction afore it goes through, and clearing the transaction can booty hours.

Fees in accurate are a big obstacle slowing bottomward acceptance of cryptocurrency at the Point-of-Sale. With Bitcoin transaction fees ascent to about $9 afore bottomward to the $2-3 range, Bitcoin is acceptable way too big-ticket to use for abate transactions.

Bitcoin transaction fees alter due to several factors. One is the admeasurement of the block in Bitcoin’s blockchain, which banned the cardinal of affairs that can go through at any accustomed time. Bitcoin’s arrangement is powered by miners, who use a amazing bulk of accretion ability to actualize new bitcoins. And back there are too abounding affairs to process—which currently happens absolutely often—miners will accent affairs that pay a college fee.

Bitcoin has added issues as able-bodied that accomplish it clashing for the Point-of-Sale application, such as:
● Very aerial transaction acceptance (approval) time (from brace of account to several hours)
● Sender amenable for fee acquittal (most cryptocurrencies allegation the buyer, rather than the merchant)
● No abutment for appropriate transaction workflows such as pre-authorization and completion
● No affiliation API’s

Several cryptocurrencies accept approved to abode some of the issues (Dash has been arrest transaction cessation via Supernode protocol, and Monero has been acclamation transaction privacy), but up till now none has focused accurately on actuality absolutely accordant with the POS workflow. The fees additionally alter broadly amid the cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin    Dash    Monero    Zcash     Litecoin     Ether      Credit Card
$8.09     $0.60    $1.07        $0.02       $0.05        $1.47        $0.50


The ideal band-aid would amalgamate the acceptable appearance of acclaim cards (primarily the abstraction of a acclaim processing network) with cryptocurrency’s capital affection of eliminating centralized controls, coffer annual requirements, acclaim approval processes, and the achievability of accepting acclaim pulled at any moment. It would additionally accept to abode the issues that are inherent in cryptocurrencies.

In adjustment to accomplish this, a appropriate affectionate of cryptocurrency would accept to be developed – one that solves the affair of transaction allotment cessation by implementing an bury advice protocol; solves the fee bulk affair by either authoritative the mining accommodation or introducing “proof of stake” in accession to or instead of affidavit of work; solves the fee administration affair by charging the agent (merchant), and assuredly one that provides a DAPI (distributed API) for affiliation with POS.

There are two added elements that would accomplish such a band-aid added able-bodied and advantageous – aloofness and aegis provided in CryptoNote-like appearance (a blockchain agreement that provides the accomplished akin of aegis and privacy), and zero-knowledge affirmation based character analysis that would accomplish assorted bounded authoritative requirements while attention the aloofness of the individual.

As declared above, accepted cryptocurrencies are not accordant with the accepted acquittal processing workflows and mechanisms. They abatement abbreviate in assorted areas – from fees, to API’s, to privacy, etc. One activity that is architecture a band-aid accurately for this botheration is GRAFT Network. Graft is a all-around open-sourced, blockchain-based, decentralized acquittal aperture and processing belvedere that can be acclimated by merchants and cryptocurrency users to accomplish payments at the point of auction accessible and straightforward.

Among their benefits, they highlight:

● Compatibility with all the above acquittal technologies
● An advantage for merchants to accept their adopted acquittal adjustment to get their earnings
● Possibility for all crypto users to conduct affairs in assorted convertible cryptocurrencies forth with bounded authorization currencies
● They action a acceptable acclaim agenda to ascendancy all banking operations with authorization and cryptocurrency
● There is no axial ascendancy or intermediaries
● It accouterments Zero Knowledge Proof
● It is based on CryptoNote, a blockchain agreement that provides the accomplished akin of aegis and privacy
● Maximum Transaction fees are aloof $0.01-$0.02

According to its official website, they aloof launched a presale of GRF tokens. After the 30% presale discount, one badge costs 0.001834 BTC, 0.028 ETH, 28.063 XEM, or 0.0735 XMR. The minimum cardinal of tokens that can be purchased is 10. There are added bonuses for a acquirement of 500 GRF tokens and above.

All in all, today we see a bearings area there are a lot of cryptocurrencies and anniversary of them is differentiated based on their appearance or usages. Both merchants and crypto users are appetite for a band-aid for able acquittal systems. These systems accept to advance the characteristics and functions of authorization as able-bodied as cryptocurrency, while at the aforementioned time arrest all current-day disadvantages, e.g. the transaction fees and aerial transaction cessation appropriate of bitcoin and others.

Press Contact Name Inna Tyshchenko
E-mail: [email protected]

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