Renowned Poker Star Doug Polk Becomes Coinflex’s First Global Brand Ambassador
press release

Renowned Poker Star Doug Polk Becomes Coinflex’s First Global Brand Ambassador

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE On the aback of a big year for CoinFLEX the crypto derivatives barter that now admiral the Bitcoincom barter has aloof launched its cast agent action to aggrandize its all-around community

CoinFLEX’s aboriginal cast agent is world-renowned poker star, Doug Polk.

Doug Polk is one of poker’s best acclaimed superstars, accepting won over $9.5 actor in alive tournaments and added afresh booking a win for $1.2 actor in a heads-up antagonism against adolescent poker pro Daniel Negreanu.

Doug is aloof as able-bodied accepted for his abilities “away from the felt” as a agreeable architect and drillmaster as he is for actuality a agenda shark. Some may apperceive Doug from his crypto youtube channel, which acquired 150,000 subscribers in 2017. He additionally congenital one of poker’s best admired youtube channels, accession over 350,000 subscribers and over 1.3 billion angle beyond his four YouTube channels.

Doug apparent crypto during his poker career back he bare a simple way to move money about the apple as he went from country to country arena poker. Back he begin crypto, he anon saw how it could account him and others like him worldwide. Doug said, “When I aboriginal came beyond Bitcoin, I was anon hooked; I saw an befalling that could change the way we appearance money.”

CoinFLEX is Doug Polk’s first-ever sponsor.

When asked why he chose to accomplice with CoinFLEX, Doug said, “I asked myself: do I accept in the amount ethics of what CoinFLEX is aggravating to accomplish? Are they alive on article absorbing and unique? Article that can accommodate amount to their customers?” The acknowledgment was a “resounding yes.”

As a accepted association architect and drillmaster in the poker world, Doug will advice CoinFLEX body a stronger all-around association of crypto enthusiasts and newcomers alike.

Mark Lamb, CEO of CoinFLEX, said, “Doug is absolutely who we’re attractive for and sets the bar aerial as we abide to abound the CoinFLEX association and our agent program.”

Read the official CoinFLEX advertisement with Doug’s abounding account here.

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