SafeEarth Donates $100,000 to TheOceanCleanUp Kicking Off Blockchain Eco Project
press release

SafeEarth Donates $100,000 to TheOceanCleanUp Kicking Off Blockchain Eco Project

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Blockchain eco activity SafeEarth has donated over 100000 to TheOceanCleanUp alms with added donations planned for added all-around charities

16th April, 2021, London, UK SafeEarth, a blockchain eco project, has donated over $100,000 to association called alms TheOceanCleanUp. The donated funds will advice appear the abatement of artificial decay from the planet. This acceptable donation represents the aboriginal act of SafeEarth’s continuing action to advice charities beyond the globe.

The money was aloft from SAFEEARTH badge transaction fees. From anniversary badge transaction a allocation of the fees will abide to be acclimated for added donations to charities that focus on blooming initiatives as SafeEarth looks to aftereffect a abiding and absolute change on the planet.

The Ocean Cleanup Head of IT Steven Bink offered his acknowledgment to Safe Earth on Twitter, stating:

Dear SafeEarth community. On account of the absolute aggregation at The Ocean Cleanup, I would like to acknowledge you for this actual acceptable donation. We are additionally accustomed that you chose The Ocean Cleanup to be the aboriginal alms to accept this allowance from @SafeEarthETH”

Safe Earth & Earth Fund

Deforestation, pollution, all-around abating and abounding added factors accept had an adverse aftereffect on the ambiance for decades. As the apple accouterment added appear renewables and eco-friendly alternatives, initiatives like that of Safe Earth represent a alteration mentality in industry

SafeEarth’s sole focus is to accomplish basic and body a association which is able to adjustment the ecological accident done to the planet. Safe Earth additionally collaborates with addition blooming alms alleged The Earth Fund, which has aloft about 50 ETH ($125,000 at the time of writing) to be acclimated for agnate causes.


As a allotment of their plan to accession acquaintance for ecological causes SafeEarth accept additionally started a #PlasticChallenge on twitter, which urges bodies to get rid of artificial waste. The claiming (which launched on 27th of March) rewards users from a award-winning basin of $3,600 in SAFEEARTH tokens.

In the abbreviate time back the claiming began the SAFEEARTH badge has been listed on the cardinal one DEX Uniswap, recorded $3 actor in trading aggregate and bound abroad added than $1.5 actor in liquidity.

SAFEEARTH Token Burn & Benefits

The SAFEEARTH badge is a deflationary asset that uses an free crop and clamminess bearing protocol. Each transaction accuse a absolute of 4% in fees, which is again burst up analogously with 1% activity to charities, 1% refunded to holders, 1% for announcement and 1% badge lock-ups to access liquidity. By afire at atomic 50% of the absolute accumulation afterwards launch, (which will go to a atramentous aperture address) SafeEarth ensures added badge absence and liquidity.


$SAFEMARS is the sister badge to SafeEarth and accessible on PancakeSwap exchange. The badge uses actual agnate tokenomics to SAFEEARTH and over 50% of the tokens accept already been burned. As none of the transaction fees from SafeMars go appear alms the aggregation has called to accord added aback to users, with a absolute of 2% activity instantly aback to the holders wallets and the added 2% is auto-locked to access absence and liquidity. Right now the cardinal of $SAFEMARS holders is growing steadily with 93,699 holders at the time of writing.

Save Earth Through Safe Earth

Harnessing blockchain technology through it’s different agreement in the absorption of both accommodating giving and association incentives is allowance SafeEarth to angle out from its competition. This $100,000 donation is aloof the alpha of the company’s mission to aftereffect a abiding and absolute change to the planet.

SafeEarth blockchain eco activity is already gearing up for addition ample donation with addition 35 ETH (roughly $87,600) aloof for 5 charities that focus on altruistic causes, such as admission to apple-pie baptize and wildlife preservation. The charities will be called by the SafeEarth association and will be appear on Earth Day, April 22nd, 2021.


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Contact Name: Bitcoin PR Buzz Press Team

Contact Email: [email protected]


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