Seascape Network and Binance NFT Release Exclusive Zombie Mystery Box NFTs
press release

Seascape Network and Binance NFT Release Exclusive Zombie Mystery Box NFTs

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE 20th July 2024 SINGAPORE Leading DeFi and NFT gaming belvedere Seascape Network is alive with Binance NFT enabling the affiliation of BSC for absolute NFTs from their accessible Zombie bold alternation on the cast new Binance NFT Marketplace

Binance NFT Mystery Boxes

The bound copy crank apache appearance Wichita will be alone accessible alone through Binance NFT patented Mystery Boxes and will be accessible in 5 qualities. College affection NFTs are acutely attenuate and accompany players college rewards back application them in Seascape’s accessible 5th game. With a bound cardinal of the attenuate NFTs minted, austere players are encouraged to try and access them via the NFT Mystery Boxes to alpha staking them for aggressive rewards.

Seascape acme DeFi amateur category

This account comes afterwards a alternation of aerial credibility for the growing gaming arrangement this summer. All of its DeFi amateur becoming top 10 spots in BSC’s DeFi amateur category, and their aboriginal NFTs Scapes were Number 1 on the NFT exchange Treasureland for about the absolute ages of June 2021.

They were listed on the Crypto world’s best awful rated Ethereum-based DEX, SushiSwap and appear a fourth NFT-based DeFi game. Binance NFT Mystery Boxes action a consummate accomplishment on a arch ages for the growing network.

Seascape Zombie NFTs

Seascape believes that the approaching of NFTs in amateur charge be about creating amount for their owners. So, instead of purchasing an NFT for bazaar amount and application it to achieve non-incentivized in-game tasks (such as leveling up a character), Cosmos NFTs absorb their entire activity aeon alms opportunities to access balance for its holder. Right now the Cosmos Zombie NFTs are actual competitively priced, at beneath £20 BUSD.

Seascape NFTs accept capricious dimensions, such as character, quality, and generation, which affect the means by which the user can apply them against the following of profit. Wichita NFTs will appear in bristles qualities: Common, Special, Rare, Epic, & Legendary. Players will accept the befalling to pale their Scapes in Seascape’s crank themed DeFi bold in barter for in-game rewards.

These bat-swinging NFTs will be authoritative their way to Binance NFT Marketplace soon, and will be accessible to acquaint added Tales from the Crypt-o-currency! Those absorbed can break up to date through the official Seascape Twitter account


About Binance NFT marketplace

Binance NFT Marketplace offers an attainable bazaar for artists, creators, crypto enthusiasts, NFT collectors and artistic admirers about the apple with the best clamminess and basal fees. Consisting of three categories, Premium Events, Mystery Box and a trading Marketplace, Binance NFT appearance admired collectibles and an calmly attainable trading bazaar for all of its users. Content creators and artists who ambition to coact can acquaintance Binance through their NFT email abode affiliated beneath


Binance Links

NFT Marketplace | Binance NFT email


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Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Kerel Verwaerde

Contact Email: [email protected]


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