SkillzVault and ESE Entertainment Win Gold at Muse Creative Awards 2022
press release

SkillzVault and ESE Entertainment Win Gold at Muse Creative Awards 2022

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE At Bitcoin Vault BTCV the aggregation pride itself on analytic aegis issues that no one abroad can which requires a abundant accord of artistic cerebration But back a aggregation can anticipate alfresco the box annihilation is accessible Now it has been accurate that adroitness drives projects advanced

BTCV is abundantly blessed to advertise that BTCV has been awarded the Gold Prize at the Muse Creative Awards for assignment on the SkillzVault alternation of events. This action was BTCV’s aboriginal accord with a new partner, ESE Entertainment. These contest were appear in May 2024 and ran in Asia and South America from August to December. The contest were a huge success, alluring ample in-person crowds and audiences beyond assorted alive platforms. This was circuitous by ablution the actual accepted NFTs announcement the events.

The Muse Awards

The International Awards Associate (IAA) is an alignment that recognizes arete in assorted artistic and architecture industries. Its Muse Awards are broadcast beyond assorted disciplines. Besides the Artistic Awards, for which BTCV won Gold, there are Design, Photography, and Hotel categories.

About ESE Entertainment

One of the best apparent names in esports, ESE Entertainment helps bold developers, publishers, and brands accomplish their goals. A aggregate of technology, infrastructure, and behaviour science has fabricated ESE a avant-garde in the industry. ESE operates its e-commerce channels, esports teams, and gaming leagues. In addition, BTCV collaborated with ESE to apprehend aggregate goals. Winning Gold at the Muse Creative Awards is aloof the alpha of a able and mutually benign future.

Meet the Applicants

The International Awards Associate accustomed over 6,000 entries from competitors in 18 countries and are all internationally accustomed leaders in their fields.

Here are aloof a few of the names abaft absolute submissions:

But the awards additionally accept a ample cardinal of aberrant submissions. Here is a alternative of those acclaimed applicants:

Who Were the Winners

Previous winners accept included League of Legends, Porsche, and Nike. The 2022 winners accommodate GoDaddy, TikTok Canada, and Fiverr US. BTCV was the Gold Winner in the Social Media in Financial Services category. The SkillzVault gaming aptitude appearance has been a arresting accomplishment for all parties involved. None of this would accept been accessible after ESE Entertainment. For BTCV, it is an honour and a amusement to alarm this aggregation a partner. The aggregation has accomplished acceptance from a console of awful admired judges.

The Panel of Judges

The International Awards Associate knows that an accolade is alone as admirable as its evaluators. Instead, it selects arch industry professionals to be the competition’s judges. By selecting individuals from assorted sectors and regions, the IAA can advance artlessness and aerial standards.

The board for the 2022 Awards included Creative Director of Kre8ive Partners, Mark Turner; Owner and Founder of UArchitects, Misak Terzibasiyan; 3D Senior Global Packaging Designer at Tom Ford Beauty, Jiaru Lin; Managing Director and Co-Founder of LR Seoul, Joon Kwon; Associate Creative Director at MullenLowe, Renato Barreto; and Art Director at VML Y&R São Paulo, Felipe Paganoti.

Bitcoin Vault

Everyone at BTCV is charmed at the success of the SkillzVault Events and acceptable Gold at the Muse Creative Awards. But conceivably no one is happier than Konrad Mroczek, Marketing Manager at Bitcoin Vault. Reflecting on the achievement, he had this to say:

“A abundant allotment of this success goes to all aggregation associates of ESE Entertainment for huge and awful able work. The aggregation altogether alloyed two ambition groups of gamers and crypto enthusiasts. Results of the SkillzVault attack affirm that it was a spot-on decision.”

Just the Beginning

As absorbing as this accomplishment is, it is aloof the beginning. BTCV are attractive to body on this drive and use the acceptance to defended new partnerships. The SkillzVault contest were the aboriginal accomplish into the esports industry, but they won’t be the last.

Stay acquainted for added gaming contest and sports-themed articles like the SkillzVault NFTs.


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