The First of Its Kind Metachain Project, ShuttleOne Joins Tezos Protocol
press release

The First of Its Kind Metachain Project, ShuttleOne Joins Tezos Protocol

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE ShuttleOne the latest activity to embrace Tezos to anon drive acceptance and clamminess while absolute blockchain fragmentation

Singapore: Tezos, the awful scalable, self-amending affidavit of pale blockchain agreement is aperture its accoutrements to ShuttleOne – a one of its affectionate Metachain band-aid aimed at acclamation the breach issues in the crypto industry. The acceptance of Tezos by ShuttleOne is apparent by the accessible barrage of its built-in $SZO badge on Tezos over Instaraise IDO platform.

ShuttleOne, the operating arrangement for blockchain-based banking applications offers avant-garde articles to the DeFi segment. As a allotment of its aggressive activity to actualize a unified interface for dApps and Web3.0 applications that enables them to accomplish on assorted blockchain protocols, ShuttleOne has created the Metachain.

Blockchain Interoperability Turns into Reality

The ShuttleOne Metachain is a multichain aggregator area users can actualize blockchain-based applications on a distinct interface and accomplish on any accurate blockchain after authoritative protocol-specific modifications to the product. Instead, they can affix their appliance to abounding blockchains with a distinct API to actualize absolutely interoperable dApps. ShuttleOne uses bogus intelligence to accent affairs amid the dApp and best assuming blockchain networks based on the charge for security, transaction costs, speed, and decentralization. The inter-compatibility amid altered blockchains is facilitated by Metachain bridge, which is a decentralized multi-blockchain two-way arch and ShuttleOne’s built-in $SZO account and allowance token.

At present, ShuttleOne has called to accomplish on three altered networks, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and the Tezos blockchain. The admittance of Tezos as one of the Metachain accurate blockchains aboriginal on, accumulated with the addition of $SZO on Tezos makes the agreement calmly attainable to hundreds of DeFi and NFT projects that are currently accountable by the limitations of Ethereum Network. It will appropriately advice Tezos based solutions to accept the Metachain to baby to a added audience. ShuttleOne is advancing to barrage the aboriginal anytime two-way blockchain arch abutting Ethereum, Tezos and Binance Smart Chain networks.

Metachain Adds More Liquidity to Tezos Ecosystem

Tezos is accepted for its scalability, low transaction fees, aerial aegis standards and self-amending attributes which makes it calmly upgradable after forks or arrangement disruptions. All these factors accept fabricated it one of the best approved blockchain protocols for dApps and Web3.0 applications. As added projects attending for means to advantage the advantages of Tezos, the issues of inter-compatibility and acceptance of Tezos based assets amid the crypto association accept so far captivated them back. With the Metachain bridge, they can leave abaft the apprehensions and alpha application the Tezos ecosystem after accompanying their efforts so far by creating a Tezos-compatible adaptation of their absolute applications.

Whenever a Metachain dApp utilizes the Tezos Network, it will be accountable to pay the all-important transaction fees, which will be paid in $SZO and acclimatized by ShuttleOne as a built-in Tezos token. With the acceptance of Tezos agreement apprenticed to increase, cross-chain clamminess is additionally accepted to abound in the advancing days. Apart from the transaction fees, the Metachain arch additionally supports alteration of assets from one blockchain to another, enabling Tezos based DeFi projects to arch stablecoins like USDT, USDC, DAI and others to added enhance clamminess on Tezos chain.

“Metachain seeks to advice arrange the Defi ecosystem, currently at a TVL of $245b (see with a absolutely interoperable platform. Users can move their agenda assets for borrowing/ trading beyond altered DeFi bridges seamlessly and abate the aerial gas fees associated with affective their assets cross-chain, with a distinct adjustment badge by the Tezos blockchain. TZ APAC looks to abutment Tezos blockchain-based solutions that can advice actualize a added across-the-board and acceptable banking arrangement for the crypto markets.”- TZ APAC

ShuttleOne’s $SZO IDO on Instaraise

ShuttleOne has partnered with Instaraise, Tezos’ actual aboriginal decentralized fundraising and evolution agreement to barrage its $SZO badge offering. The $SZO IDO is set to go alive on December 12, 2024, at 12PM UTC. The 24-hour continued badge alms with two circuit spanning 12 hours anniversary will action a absolute of 200,000 $SZO to the participants.

More advice about the $SZO Token alms on Instaraise is accessible at –

About ShuttleOne

ShuttleOne is a decentralized banking solutions agreement that utilizes a aggregate of bogus intelligence and blockchain technologies to break the breach issues currently afflictive the DeFi industry. It offers a unified, multichain accordant belvedere for the development of DeFi and Web 3.0 applications.

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About Instaraise

Instaraise is a absolutely decentralized fundraising and evolution belvedere on the Tezos ecosystem. The belvedere aims to empower projects by creating a able foundation and fundraising ability, while accouterment impactful business advisory, association advance and ecosystem development assistance.

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About Tezos

Tezos is acute money, redefining what it agency to authority and barter amount in a digitally affiliated world. A self-upgradable and energy-efficient blockchain with a accurate clue record, Tezos seamlessly adopts tomorrow’s innovations after arrangement disruptions today. For added information, amuse appointment


TZ APAC is one of the arch acceptance entities acknowledging the Tezos ecosystem in Asia. It designs value-added blockchain transformation strategies with a bottom-up access for enterprises and creators, while alive carefully with blockchain experts and added stakeholders in the Tezos ecosystem.

TZ APAC is accurate by the Tezos Foundation and is headquartered in Singapore.

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Name: Tam Nguyen

Designation: Marketing Director

Contact Info: [email protected]


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