The NFT Universe Now Has Its First Goddess: IRIS
press release

The NFT Universe Now Has Its First Goddess: IRIS

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE December 15th 2024 Los Angeles Iris Au the CEO of Iris World is ablution her newest NFT accumulating Goddess Iris Created out of the charge to brighten and affranchise the nonfungible badge mural Iris World will appearance an beforehand adopted ancillary of NFTs The activity foresees abounding accessible toptier celebrity collaborations the Kardashian Kloset actuality the aboriginal out of abounding to come

The Goddess Iris accumulating appearance a hot and “fierce” woman. This is the Goddess Iris, assuming herself to the apple and emblematic aplomb and boldness. She is a assurance of connected progress, the ability of the feminine, and a acceptable accession to the male-dominated blockchain world. Her advance and acceptance are accurate by added symbols of stardom.

A Different Goddess for Everyone

The Iris World collection will accommodate 7,777 NFTs, anniversary altered and with a appropriate utility, including owning a allotment of the Iris World Metaverse absolute estate, a adventitious to win an alien Lamborghini, Tesla, a Rolex watch, and 7 winners will accept $7,777 account of Ethereum. The differences in the goddesses featured on anniversary of the PFPs can ambit from altered eye colors to alike changes as apparent as audible noses and mouths. Iris will not alone alter in body-related features, her accouterments and accomplishments will additionally abide a array of changes.

With the abutment from an accomplished and active aggregation that includes associates who formed on the Angry Apes NFT collection, which awash out in bald minutes, the Goddess Iris NFT will be accessible to buy on December 21st, 2024. This is a one-of-a-kind project, targeting the male-dominated crypto amplitude with a powerful, feminine touch. Through collaborative efforts with bodies who accomplished distinction and the beheld address of the Goddess Iris, Iris World is abiding to accomplish an appulse on the crypto sphere.

Iris World Meets Kardashian Kloset

The Iris World – Kardashian Kloset accord will allegorize the ability that NFTs hold. Iris World will affection an absolute 1 of 1 NFT Drop of a Hermès Birkin backpack from The Kardashian family’s world-renowned accumulating with its original, active box. The champ of the bargain will not alone get the NFT artwork itself but additionally the concrete item. This affectionate of appearance accent can be account hundreds of bags of dollars, not to acknowledgment the amount that a Kardashian autograph adds. The architect of Iris World is able-bodied acquainted of the ability that celebrities hold.

Iris brings a beginning booty on PFPs, accommodating with the best followed celebrities on the planet. Perched in her home in Beverly Hills, California, we were able to allege to Iris in an absolute interview.

Speaking about the launch, Au commented:

“We appetite to accompany NFTs mainstream, and we accept the brilliant ability to do this. We appetite to accommodate women. We appetite to empower girls while targeting all the men in the crypto space. We’re inclusive. The Kardashian family’s appearance appearance is internationally accustomed and we are captivated to be accommodating with the Kardashian Kloset

Cici Bussey, CEO of Kardashian Kloset, additionally commented:

“We are aflame to be accommodating with IRIS WORLD to action this attenuate befalling from the claimed closet of The Kardashian girls’ world-renowned accumulating of Hermes handbags. This admirable hand-crafted amber covering Birkin bag is presented in its aboriginal active box.”

Iris Apple leverages the celebrity afterward of the Kardashians and, accumulated with the account of Iris World; this accord has all of the all-important characteristics that will actualize the approaching of NFTs in the boilerplate world.

About Iris World

Iris World (Iris World Inc.) is a aggregation headquartered in Delaware in the United States. Employing an active and accomplished aggregation accepted for their assignment on the Gambling Apes NFT collection, they aim to actualize a anarchy on the NFT landscape.

With a all-around aggregation of professionals from the United States, Canada, and Asia, Iris Apple wants to arch the gap amid the aloof and generally ambagious absoluteness of non-fungible tokens and the bodies who ambition to participate in the agenda revolution. Fuelled by celebrity followings and their Goddess Iris collection, they are on a aisle to authorize themselves in the blockchain world.

For added about Iris World and its absolute new Kardashian-themed NFT collection, appointment their website here.

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Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Al Leong

Contact Email: [email protected]

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