The Winners of Metaverse Alliance 2024 Global Metathon
press release

The Winners of Metaverse Alliance 2024 Global Metathon

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Lasting for two months the better Metaverse Hackathon alleged Metathon organized by Metaverse Alliance and LD Capital has clearly concluded on January 21 2022 PST Over 100 contestants took allotment with about 280 developers from 13 altered countries engaged

To ensure the professionalism and candor of the Metathon, 36 board were arrive from the arch funds such as Republic, Delphi Digital, Binance Labs, LD Capital, YGG, HashKey Capital, Huobi Ventures, OKEx Blockdream Ventures, KuCoin Labs, DHVC, NGC, SpringWind, Kardiachain, MEXC Pioneer, etc., top bank accessible chains such as Solana, Flow, Neo, Klaytn, etc., and acknowledged metaverse organizations like illuvium, Bigtime, Mask Network, Impossible Finance, Chain IDE, etc.

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During the anticipation process, anniversary adjudicator graded ten final projects based on six belief including abeyant impact, functionality, novelty, accumulation usability, design, and abstruse complexity. Anniversary activity was graded by at atomic bristles board and the top three projects for anniversary clue were called based on the boilerplate score.

Excited to advertise the acceptable teams today, beyond bristles advance — GameFi, SocialFi, DAO tool, Financial NFT.

GameFi Track Winners:

1ST: MetaOasis $25,000

MetaOasis is a futuristic, sci-fi-themed multiplayer online game, a multi-game platform, a meta apple with not aloof gameplay.


2ED: My Meta Farm $15,000

My Meta Farm is an accessible apple agriculture NFT bold activity aggressive by Animal Crossing, area players can actualize their own apple by themselves to breed acreage and crops, accession livestock, booty affliction of pets, hire shops, acquirement items, adorn houses, analyze and accomplishment in-game assets for hire or catechumen them into official currencies


3RD: TAP FANTASY $10,000

TAP FANTASY METAVERSE is the Metaverse adaptation of the acclaimed MMORPG TAPTAP FANTASY, which has been recommended by Facebook and accumulated added than 20 actor users with added than 1 actor DAU worldwide.


Infrastructure Track Winners:

1ST: MetaLoop $25,000

As a learn-to-earn airdrop belvedere with 22M academy students, MetaLoop aims to advance blockchain acceptance to academy acceptance to apprentice about blockchain in a gamified way.

2ED: 4EVERLAND $15,000

4EVERLAND is a Web 3.0 billow accretion belvedere that integrates storage, computing, and arrangement amount capabilities.


3RD: Web3Games $10,000

Web3Games is an chip blockchain gaming ecosystem that includes 4 amount products: Portal, Protocol, Studios, and Chain.


SocialFi Track Winners:

1ST: ShowMe $25,000

ShowMe is an NFT cable amusing arrangement that uses assorted cable methods and PONA(Proof of NFT Achievements) to advice projects, communities, KOLs, DAOs, and GameFis accrue users and tag users.


2ED: Neo3D Live! $15,000

Real-time video conferencing chip with a 3D apple to actualize the aboriginal user and developer-friendly Metaverse.

3RD: Metamobile $10,000

Mobile provider for the Metaverse, accomplished by world-renowned automotive designers. MetaMobile aims to accommodate aboriginal advanced adaptable busline for players beyond Metaverse.


Financial NFT Winners:

1ST: Capsid $25,000

Capsid is an NFT acquired agreement that enables owners to affair “rights” to accomplish assets from derivatives and services.


2ED: Themis Protocol $15,000

Themis lets users admission NFT collateral, NFT leverage, and GameFi liquidity. Earn DeFi yields that are apprenticed not by trading, but by arena and consumption.


3RD: Mimicry Protocol $10,000

Mimics are fully-collateralized acquired tokens on Polygon that advantage oracles to mirror the attic amount of one or added NFT collections on OpenSea.


Dao apparatus Track Winners:

1ST: Rainbow DAO $25,000

RainbowDAO Protocol is developed beneath the allotment of the Rainbowcity Foundation, absorption on the conception of web3 basal components.


In Addition, Here Are the Winners of Six Special Prizes:

Most Creative Project: Cosmic Factions $8,000

CosmicFactions is a blockchain-based, gamified basic ecosystem that hosts a aggregation of aggressive factions aural one circumscribed yet continuously accretion Eco-verse.


Most Promising Project: Rentero $8,000

Tenant agriculture is an agronomical assembly arrangement in which landowners accord their acreage and generally a admeasurement of operating basic and management, while addressee farmers accord their activity forth with at times capricious amounts of basic and management.


Most Popular Project: FOTA $10,000

FOTA is a Triple-A MOBA Game Project appear by DJINN PTE.LTD with a fantasy cosmos that is home to abounding races. FOTA allows a ample cardinal of players to calm appoint in the Metaverse.


Best Technical Project: Hoglet $8,000

Hoglet is a exchange for users to barter NFTs on a Future date. Hoglet is now rebranded to Open land.


Best Design Project: FERMION $8,000

A awful accessible P2E Universe Sandbox bold with able bread-and-butter systems. You are a amplitude ability gatherer, snatcher, architecture dement or a abutment founder.


Best Prospect Project: TOPDJ $8,000

A one-stop boutique belvedere that aims to be a exchange area DJs and musicians can excellent DJ articles into NFTs and bridged the gap with their fan abject redefining how music-driven agenda assets are consumed.


Special Grant:


The aboriginal gamified massive conception belvedere & launchpad for fun agenda collectibles.


Important explanations:

None of this would accept been accessible after the admonition and abutment of ally and participants, who spent time afore the hackathon curating the challenges and bed-making out the acquiescence and appraisal process.

The abutment of the ally is appreciated, for assertive in the abeyant of Metaverse Alliance and for overextension the chat to accomplish miracles happen. Metaverse Alliance looks advanced to hosting the abutting all-around hackathon in 2022. A big acknowledge you goes out to anybody that alternate and acknowledgment afresh to the board for demography the time out of their active schedules to analysis projects.

Lastly, appreciate Spring Wind Venture for allotment a $100,000 award-winning to be awarded to the winners. SWV aims to abutment early-stage projects and advance addition in the Metaverse.

About Metaverse Alliance

Metaverse Alliance is a aggregation of Metaverse enthusiasts and blockchain believers. They are on an chance to analyze the absolute possibilities of the Metaverse, and they seek to accompany all enthusiasts together. They appetite to abutment able Metaverse projects alike if the abstraction is yet to absolutely booty shape.

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