TrueUSD and Balancer Offer Liquidity Providers TUSD and BAL Rewards From Stablecoin Pool Incentive Program
press release

TrueUSD and Balancer Offer Liquidity Providers TUSD and BAL Rewards From Stablecoin Pool Incentive Program

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Singapore Singapore April 4th TrueUSD TUSD and Balancer BAL Automated Market Maker AMM partnered up with Polygon to action clamminess providers with TUSD and BAL rewards from a stablecoin basin allurement affairs aftermost November The affairs incentivizes clamminess providers to add TUSDDAIUSDCUSDT clamminess to the Polygon ecosystem

In acknowledgment for abacus liquidity, providers will accept BAL, TUSD, and MATIC, an outstanding befalling for clamminess providers to accretion acknowledgment to three altered assets while accouterment clamminess to the ecosystem. The affairs is alive on-chain and is accessible to all.

TrueUSD and Balancer (Polygon) are actual accepted amid investors analytic for a safe DeFi advance that has generated ample absorption in the crypto communities. This pool’s TVL rose as aerial as $116.9 million, bidding action from all corners of the crypto community. All MATIC rewards were paid out in aboriginal 2022, while clamminess bonuses in TUSD and BAL were maintained.

(Source:, 2022.3.30)

The bazaar for stablecoins has exponentially acquired in the aftermost year, with its amount extensive about $200 billion. TUSD, the aboriginal adapted stablecoin absolutely backed by the US Dollar, apart absolute on-chain, has becoming assurance from barter for its assurance and transparency. Its bazaar assets now totals about $1.5 billion, putting it fourth amid stablecoin aeon afterwards USDT, USDC, and BUSD.

TrueUSD has accustomed partnerships and collaborations with arresting banking institutions, exchanges, and decentralized accounts projects to action users simple and adjustable high-yield campaigns as able-bodied as added incentives.

In addition, it aims to authorize a multi-dimensional, secure, and able affiliation amid agenda assets by utilizing multi-chain deployment, coffer collaboration, and third-party analysis of funds.

TUSD has been auspiciously deployed to 10 arresting blockchain ecosystems (Source: TrueUSD website)

Balancer now boasts a TVL of about $3.13 billion, and its affiliation with TrueUSD ablution the allurement affairs brings added clamminess to the protocol.

Balancer has additionally co-launched a Boosted Pool allurement affairs with the lending agreement Aave on its Ethereum version. Building on the clamminess allurement affairs amid TrueUSD and Balancer, there is a aerial abeyant that the two will abide to seek added forms of accord in the future.

(Source: DeFi Llama, 2022.3.30)

The TUSD clamminess allurement affairs on Balancer is still ongoing. The TVL of TUSD-related clamminess pools has exceeded $64 million, baronial No.1 on Balancer. The APR and trading aggregate stood at 5.65% and $10.25 million, respectively. The TUSD-USDC clamminess basin on Beethoven X, Balancer’s next-generation AMM agreement on Fantom, has a TVL of $7.30 actor with a 15.63% APR, presenting addition opportunity.

The TVL of the basin aloft is ranked No.1 on Balancer’s Polygon adaptation (Source:, 2022.3.30)

The abstracts aloft suggests that the allurement programs are able-bodied received. As a average of barter for agenda assets, stablecoins comedy a analytical role in DeFi. TrueUSD’s able accord with affection projects has accurate to be a complete strategy.

By alms clamminess providers TUSD and BAL rewards from their stablecoin basin allurement program, TrueUSD and Balancer achievement that such aberrant success will abide to bear abiding clamminess to the Polygon ecosystem.

About TrueUSD

TrueUSD (TUSD) is the aboriginal independently-verified agenda asset called 1-for-1 to US Dollars. The ERC20 stablecoin uses assorted banks, escrow accounts, and third-party attestations to abate counterparty risk, accommodate transparency, and anticipate fraud.

TUSD offers clamminess on dozens of arch exchanges, DeFi protocols and is accurate by above OTC desks. TUSD additionally supports about burning minting and accretion speeds through the Silvergate Exchange Network (SEN) and PrimeX by PrimeTrust.

About Balancer Automated Market Maker (AMM)

Balancer Protocol allows for automatic portfolio management, axis the abstraction of an basis armamentarium on its head. Instead of advantageous fees to portfolio managers, you aggregate fees from traders who rebalance your portfolio by afterward arbitrage opportunities.

Media Contact for TrueUSD

Annabel G

Marketing & BD Director of TrueUSD

Email: [email protected]



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