Unchain Ukraine Raises $1.8M in Crypto Donations for Humanitarian Aid in Ukraine
press release

Unchain Ukraine Raises $1.8M in Crypto Donations for Humanitarian Aid in Ukraine

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Unchain action collects and coordinates funds for altruistic aid

Unchain Ukraine, a all-around crypto-native fundraising attack launched on Feb. 25th, 2022, has to date aloft $1.8M in crypto donations for Ukraine.

The Unchain Campaign Continues its Fundraising Efforts

Run by a association of 1000 contributors alive on the arena and beyond the globe, the action collects and coordinates funds for altruistic aid: clearing support, agency of communication, medicine, cybersecurity tools, careful equipment, aliment and more. It does not aggregate money for baleful aid.

Unchain Ukraine has already accustomed abutment and donations from organisations, communities and individuals, including Polygon, Solana, NEAR Protocol, Pool Together, Stefan George, pet3rpan, and endless others. The funds will be broadcast amid vetted bounded Ukrainian and added organisations, acknowledging the altruistic effort.

The attack continues its fundraising efforts, with donation wallets set up beyond several protocols, including Ethereum, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, Harmony, Avalanche, NEAR, Celo, and Polkadot.

All funds aloft are absolutely transparent, with multisig signers including:
Illia Polosukhin (Co-founder NEAR Protocol), Scott Moore (Co-founder, Gitcoin), pet3rpan (Community Investing, 1kxnetwork), CJ Hetherington and Rev Miller (Co-founders, Atlantis World), Andriy Velykyy (Co-founder, Allbridge.io), Oleg Kurchenko (Founder, Binaryx), Alexey Bobok and Iryna Lorens (Co-founders, MoneyWeld) and Nick Vasilich (Europe and Asia – Harmony Protocol).

For the account of transparency, Unchain Ukraine is active a absolutely community-led vetting action of the trusted organizations and cases that the accumulation will fund. The action and controlling is accessible to trusted associates of the Unchain Ukraine contributor community.

For added information, donations and added means you can help, amuse appointment unchain.fund.