UniLend Finance, Which Aims to
press release

UniLend Finance, Which Aims to "Welcome Every Token to DeFi," Raises $3.1M Amid Overwhelming Strategic Investor Support


DeFi agreement UniLend Finance has afresh bankrupt the berry and clandestine auction allotment circuit of their built-in UFT babyminding badge afterwards bound extensive both adamantine caps, accretion $3.1 million.

UniLend’s mission of “welcoming every badge to DeFi” has resonated with some of the industry’s heaviest hitters.

Our allotment circuit admiring the absorption of some of the industry’s heaviest hitters, including Woodstock Fund, Signal Ventures, 3Commas, Danish Chaudhry (Head of Bitcoin.com Exchange), Jay Putera (Partner at CryptoBriefing.com), TRG Capital, BTC12 Capital, AU21 Capital, Youbi Capital, TomoChain, Bidesk, Bibox, Tenzor Capital, Sandeep Nailwal (Co-founder of Matic Network).

These contributors are basic the courage of a able arrangement of aboriginal UniLend supporters.

Investors accept primarily been called based on the amount they are able of bringing to the abiding success of UniLend. These contributions accommodate abetment with advertisement a ample antecedent abject of tokens on UniLend with antecedent liquidity, clamminess bootstrapping for bland user acquaintance from the aboriginal canicule of the platform, and all-around and bounded business efforts to accomplish acquaintance of our belvedere and our mission worldwide.

Co-founded by Chandresh Aharwar, ahead VP of Strategy and Marketing at Matic Network, and Suryansh Kumar and Tarun Malik, Co-founders of MetaTransact protocol, the UniLend aggregation themselves accompany a abundance of industry acquaintance and ability to the table.

Unlocking the True Potential of Decentralized Finance

UniLend is a permission-less decentralized agreement that combines atom trading functionality with lending and borrowing casework aural the aforementioned platform. Any user can account any ERC20 badge on UniLend, aperture the aperture to decentralized trading, lending, and borrowing for any Ethereum-based asset. The aggregation is additionally currently exploring abutment for added blockchains.

DeFi is accepting huge traction; however, accepted DeFi protocols alone abutment about 30 of the added than 6,000 crypto assets in existence. Abounding aerial bazaar cap tokens with active communities such as CRO, BNB, HT, OKB, MATIC, and abounding added currently cannot advance their assets for decentralized lending/borrowing. UniLend is bridging this gap by enabling any token, and their holders, to participate in the DeFi revolution. 

The UniLend aggregation estimates that acceptance added cryptocurrencies to participate in the DeFi chargeless bazaar via permission-less listings could potentially access the clamminess of the DeFi ecosystem by an added $29 billion.

UniLend clamminess providers will not alone account from a allotment of the fees generated from borrowing and trading casework (also accepted as crop farming), but they will additionally acquire UFT tokens via clamminess mining.

In addition, the users themselves who advance UniLend for decentralized trading, lending, or borrowing will additionally be adored for accord with UFT babyminding tokens.

Empowering the Community via UFT Tokens

The built-in account badge of the UniLend platform, UniLend Finance Badge (UFT), is a communicable representation of attributed functions defined in the protocol/code of the UniLend platform, which is advised to comedy a above role in the activity of the UniLend belvedere and is advised to be acclimated alone as the primary account badge on the platform. Use cases of UFT include: 

UFT badge is acclimated to facilitate babyminding of the UniLend protocol. Holders of UFT will be able to vote on a cardinal of factors apropos to the able activity of the protocol, such as the collateralization arrangement for specific assets, the accession of abject pairs, etc. 

Liquidity providers are a basic basic in ensuring the sustainability of a decentralized accounts agreement by facilitating clamminess aural the protocol. As stakeholders and maintainers of the UniLend protocol, clamminess providers will be adored for their casework with babyminding rights in the anatomy of UFT tokens, in accession to a allotment of trading and borrowing fees.

Platform users are the aspect of any DeFi product. In a arrangement that aims for best decentralization, distributing babyminding ability to the users is crucial. Therefore, ecosystem participants who use UniLend for lending, borrowing, or trading will be adored for accord with UFT tokens to animate not alone the use of the platform’s casework but additionally to facilitate broadcast governance.

As a decentralized protocol, association babyminding is a axial aspect of UniLend, and the aggregation aims to administer this babyminding ability as broadly as accessible via their accessible accessible badge administration event.

UniLend’s UFT accessible administration is planned for October anon afore the barrage of the UniLend platform, which is additionally accepted abutting month.

Chandresh Aharwar, the co-founder and CEO of UniLend, said:

“We accept the abutting change in DeFi is the admittance of not alone any actor but the admittance of any asset which users ambition to advance for DeFi. UniLend is authoritative this a reality, and our advance on all fronts is activity strong. Together with our able association and accomplice network, we’re able-bodied on the way to unlocking the accurate abeyant of decentralized finance.”

Join the UniLend Telegram association to break abreast with the latest progress: https://t.me/UniLendFinance.

Disclaimer: One or added associates of Crypto Briefing’s administration aggregation owns UFT. The aggregation (Decentral Media Inc.) owns UFT.