VaultSwap Announces Its Token Sales and Exchange Listings
press release

VaultSwap Announces Its Token Sales and Exchange Listings

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Swapping cryptos on an barter can be abundantly inefficient as no barter has all the bill in one bend VaultSwap a activity by Jason Wright which is additionally the CEO zenomatrixnet intends to action a band-aid to this botheration It has several highpaying advance schemes that accolade investors for their aplomb in the project

What Is VaultSwap?

VaultSwap is a blockchain-powered barter and Yield Farming area you can bandy one cryptocurrency for another. VaultSwap is absolutely decentralized, as it additionally supports staking applications. Some of the groups that will accept VAULT afterwards the badge auction are Pre-Sale, Staking platform, as able-bodied as Barter listings.

The aggregation abaft VaultSwap comprise of technocrats who accept the dynamics in the asset swapping ecosystem. The aggregation has a clue almanac of carrying on their promises.

Where To Buy VAULT Tokens

The VAULT tokens auction is live. The sales started on November 20th and will end on December 20th. The best accumulation is 200,000 VAULT with 5,000 ETH adamantine cap. The aggregation abaft VaultSwap is affective rapidly with accepting VAULT listed on P2Pb2b. More listings are accepted in the advancing weeks.

Token Sale Link

Interested in affairs VAULT tokens? Then appointment to get started.

Steps To Buy VAULT Tokens

Participating in the advancing badge auction is a breeze. Kindly chase the accomplish below:

● Accelerate ETH to this arrangement address: 0x8cf4dd7aa26f00d5710b6d1c82bf6647ee2d55a9
● Vault Token allocation is automated via contract
● Ensure you accelerate ETH from an ERC20-supported wallet.
● Do not accelerate ETH from an exchange
● Minimum buy is 0.1 ETH

VaultSwap Exchange Products

The afterward are the articles offered by VaultSwap:

● Staking: Instead of autumn abroad your VAULT badge in a wallet, you can pale it and be adored with an APR of 30%.
● Lending: Some investors are gluttonous allotment to calibration their businesses. You can accommodate them your cryptos (USDT, USD, DAI, TUSF, PAX, and BUSD) and get up to 26% APR.
● Yield Farming: Yield Farming gives you the befalling to acquire up to 2,000% APR back you accord clamminess on the VaultSwap platform.
● Referral Program: Convince your accompany or ancestors associates to participate in the advancing badge sale, and you would be adored with 10% of the absolute sum that your adjudicator invested.

VaultSwap Tokenomics

● Name:VaultSwap
● Max Token:200,000 VAULT
● Hard Cap:5000 ETH
● Price:1 ETH = 20 VAULT
● Currency:ETH
● Min Purchase:0.1 ETH / 2 VAULT
● Starts:November 20 (9:00 AM)
● Ends:December 20 (11:59 PM)
● Contract address: 0x8cf4dd7aa26f00d5710b6d1c82bf6647ee2d55a9

Point To Note:

VaultSwap is activity to be listed on P2pb2b, and added listings are accepted to chase in abutting 1 week!


VaultSwap is a blockchain-powered crypto-swapping exchange. To accomplish a bland assets-to-assets swapping, VaultSwap does not await on constructed assets or captivated ERC-20 tokens. In fact, the action of swapping assets on the VaultSwap belvedere is appealing accessible and doesn’t beat 5 steps.

You don’t allegation any appropriate wallet or software to bandy your coin. The basal affair you allegation is a able internet connection, an asset, a wallet address, and a acceptable browser. VaultSwap Exchange does not allegation a fee to bandy from one crypto to the other.

Media Contacts
Further advice at
Support Contact: [email protected]

Media contact

Contact: Jason Wright
Contact: 17026232463


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