Velas and GPNFTS Partner, Bringing Lightning TPS to the Racing NFT World
press release

Velas and GPNFTS Partner, Bringing Lightning TPS to the Racing NFT World

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Velas and GPNFTS accept partnered application Velas lightningquick crosschain blockchain to accompany Motorsports to new levels of collectability and engagement

15th November 2024, Zug, Switzerland: Various blockchains attempt for absorption in the NFT industry today, yet they abort to accommodate the all-important basement appropriate for the accurate ascent envisioned by activity owners and the association alike.

A notable archetype is Ethereum: it has a active and all-embracing community, but generally leaves users with aerial fees and bottleneck on transactions. The Velas blockchain, on the added hand, has apparent it can be able and has a growing ecosystem spanning assorted acknowledged projects today.

The afresh appear affiliation amid Velas and GPNFTS is a alive affirmation of the ability of a accord amid an NFT activity which has broke a alcove and committed market, and a blockchain which can accommodate the scalability appropriate for complete success. GPNFTS architect Ali Rafi, who formed for abounding years in Formula 1, said:

“Our mission is to accord motorsport admirers a committed exchange and a new way to appoint with their favourite drivers and riders, administration the action of chase wins. This is a ground-breaking partnership, as it opens up a accomplished new bazaar by introducing motorsport admirers to a advocate new way of accession absurd agenda art.”

To alpha with, Velas’ industry-leading TPS gives GPNFTS the basement aloft which to build. With bags of alone collectible memorabilia, and the apprehension of a actual alive accessory market, actuality able to calmly handle transaction volumes is ascendant to bland operation.

Moreover, as a DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake) blockchain, Velas provides this functionality at a apportioned amount of aggressive ecosystems, removing a acute barrier to access for new users, and auspicious a added aqueous accessory market. Shirly Valge, COO of Velas, said:

“The deployment of GPNFTS on the Velas Blockchain is acutely agitative for us. Now, not alone do motorsport admirers accept a carbon-conscious blockchain to aggregate and barter their memorabilia, Velas additionally has addition activity to add to its assorted belt.”

This, alongside the eco-conscious aspect of a PoS blockchain as against to a PoW (Proof of Work) blockchain agency that the best was accessible to accomplish for GPNFTS. As the final icing on the cake, the Velas ecosystem’s cross-chain capabilities will acquiesce GPNFTS users to accompany off-chain assets assimilate the chain, and assimilate the GPNFTS belvedere for accumulator and trade, absolutely aperture the doors to ecosystem-wide trade.

Why Velas Is Different

As a angle of the Solana blockchain, Velas addresses acute problems in the broader blockchain industry. It has one of the accomplished throughputs – up to 75k TPS – of all accessible blockchains today and achieves that with accomplished cost-efficiency. These facets are a acute aboriginal footfall against acceptable a blockchain that can decidedly account the NFT ecosystem. In addition, it provides cross-chain capabilities.

Moreover, the Velas ecosystem is home to assorted development efforts. First, several projects accept launched or are ablution on this able blockchain. Those projects accommodate VelasPad – the built-in launchpad for all Velas, 133x ROI afterwards IDO – and BitOrbit – amusing media on the blockchain, 155x ROI afterwards affairs out in account – and WagyuSwap – the best able swapping and trading band-aid on the bazaar today, over 100x ROI aural the aboriginal few canicule afterwards its IDO.

Second is the $100 actor admission program to accompany added developers and avant-garde account to Velas. It represents a cogent banking commitment. The admission program’s primary focus is Web 3.0 development, which is accessible acknowledgment to Velas acknowledging Solidity, accouterment bigger scaling, and alms a composable solution.

GPNFTS – Own Your Piece of the Action

The affiliation amid GPNFTS and Velas will change the way NFT projects are operated forever. In addition, GPNFTS brings some agitative appearance to the table, including agenda collectible packs, Metaverse Race tr – beyond F1, IndyCar, MotoGP and Le Mans- and a congenital exchange the aboriginal of its affectionate area users can buy, sell, and barter their NFTs from the absolute motorsport spectrum enabling a accurate exchange no amount what blockchain its minted on.

The accepted motorsports bazaar is actually astronomical, and to abduction that bazaar share, GPNFTS accustomed a band-aid for every fan to own a allotment of one’s admired sports digitally. The accessibility of such appearance will enhance the alternation amid the sport, fans, and drivers in a way that was not accessible with non-fungible tokens before.

Velas: A New Future for NFT Projects?

As apparent by this acknowledged partnership, the time looks appropriate for NFT projects to bounce into a new era of blockchain. When collections alpha exploring able and able-bodied solutions like Velas, the industry has a adventitious to abide growing by leaps and bounds. And with the contempo successes of projects on Velas, it looks bright that GPNFTS are activity to be a success, with Velas in duke as the go-to blockchain for NFT projects.

Head to the afterward links to acquisition out added about GPNFTS and how Velas is revolutionizing NFTs on the blockchain.

Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Velas Press Office

Contact Email: [email protected]

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