VIC Rewards and XcelTrip Are Set To Redefine Global Wellness and Vitality Marketspace
press release

VIC Rewards and XcelTrip Are Set To Redefine Global Wellness and Vitality Marketspace

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Dr Richard Satur CEO of VIC Rewards and Gyanendra Khadka CEO of XcelTrip are partnering to accession stakes initially from ASEAN Indian and Korean Wellness and Vitality agenda amplitude afore they booty on the all-around MedicalTourism marketplace

XcelTrip with over 2.4 actor hotels and 450 flights worldwide, is already an absorbing online biking OTA platform. VIC Rewards, on the added hand, is additionally architecture its huge attendance in the ASEAN region. Through their VIC Marketplace, the aggregation predicts to onboard 500 Merchants by 2021 accurately in the Wellness, Well-being, Anti-Ageing, and Vitality artefact and account segment. Addressing the Wellness and Medical Tourism befalling in the ASEAN, Korean, and Indian regions, XcelTrip and VIC Marketplace will be integrating. Their affiliation is activity to acquiesce consumers to book flights and accommodation, as able-bodied as to admission added Vitality bales with added tailored wellness articles and services.

“The all-embracing citizenry of India, Korea, and the ASEAN arena is added than 2 billion. That’s ¼ of the world’s population! Zion Bazaar Research projects that the all-around medical tourism bazaar could accomplish acquirement of about US$28 billion by the end of 2024. Of estimated 11 actor all-around medical consumers, about one-third of them are currently traveling to Southeast Asia alone. South Korea is additionally one of the best accepted medical tourism destinations in the world. As of 2024, the accumulative cardinal of patients who visited Korea exceeded two million, with medical casework growing in popularity. According to India’s Ministry of Tourism figures, India’s medical tourism industry could abound by 200% by 2024 hitting $9 billion. This is an astronomic bazaar befalling for XcelTrip and VIC Marketplace. With accepted visions to advantage blockchain and AI, to accommodate greater transparency, opportunity, and rewards for consumers, XcelTrip and VIC Marketplace is in a abundant position to allure a ample cardinal of consumers to its accumulated agenda medical-tourism offering”, says Dr. Richard Satur.

“We accept an all-encompassing exchange solution. XcelTrip is alms 50 categories and 20,000 products. Now with VIC Marketplace, we are in a position to action greater customer value. The Vitality bales abide of flights, adaptation as able-bodied as wellness articles and services. Brainstorm actuality able to clothier a amalgamation that accurately meets your schedule, budget, requirements, healthcare objectives, and goals. That is a able bulletin for all people, behindhand of area they alive in the world. Through us, consumers and travelers should be able to put calm a Vitality amalgamation absorption on their needs rather than accepting aloof addition all-encompassing biking offering. Furthermore, brainstorm that afterwards your travel, the accumulated belvedere will be able to advance added bigger opportunities for you to advance your health. Using blockchain technology, VIC Loyalty Rewards offers such advances to the bodies all over the world”, says Gyanendra Khadka.

VIC Rewards and XcelTrip accumulated accept a association that is currently able-bodied over 750,000 and steadily growing. VIC Rewards association is acquisitive to access their adherence through their healthcare and XcelTrip and VIC Marketplace will anon acquiesce them to absorb their hard-earned healthcare adherence rewards on their tailored Vitality packages. The accumulated blockchain solutions will acquiesce consumers to use their healthcare cachet to be allotment of a growing community-driven DeFi protocol. This agency consumers could additionally use their healthcare to advice with added DeFi accompanying articles and casework such as insurance, medical accessory purchases and leases, and alike loans, and why not! VIC Rewards acerb believes that consumer’s healthcare is a admired asset. In a DeFi environment, their healthcare cachet should be acclimated to drive bigger options, costs, and allowances for them and their families. Healthcare should be beheld by consumers as admired as their coffer accounts. Consumers can, and should, advantage their healthcare as an asset from the day they are built-in and for all time. This asset is endemic and increases over time alone by their actuality and of advance by adhering to advantageous behavior. Consumer’s actual lives will actualize amount for them.

The companies accept now started the belvedere affiliation to put their eyes of Vitality amalgamation offerings online through XcelTrip and VIC Marketplace by the end of 2024. These bales will advice accompany Vitality opportunities to all consumers as the apple continues to accouterment COVID globally. Now, added so than ever, bodies charge to amount and enhance their Vitality. Consumers charge to be provided with platforms and accoutrement that acquiesce them to clothier solutions that accommodated their specific needs. VIC Marketplace and XcelTrip, forth with their accumulated blockchain platforms, products, and casework will accommodated consumers’ needs and acquiesce them to use several acquittal options to accommodated their specific budgets.

For added capacity amuse contact;

Suvrangsu Das
Marketing Manager
[email protected]

Jenny Willis
Managing Director
[email protected]

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