ViuBank Customers Enjoy the Benefits of Blockchain Technology
press release

ViuBank Customers Enjoy the Benefits of Blockchain Technology

THELOGICALINDIAN - The coffer allows its barter to acquire acquiescent assets circadian through minting mining loans and staking as anchored deposits

Interest in the blockchain industry has developed essentially in the aftermost few years and the industry has apparent big players beyond sectors accept the technology to accompany added amount to their customers. The banking area is one of these industries that seek to accommodate the way we accept authentic accounts over time, facilitate the conception of avant-garde advance products, and accord allowance for added bodies to participate in the banking sector.

ViuBank Meets Blockchain Technology

The use of blockchain in accounts has apparent the addition of decentralized finance, the conception of agenda currencies (minting), tradable assets, agenda advance products, staking and farming, launchpads etc. best of which are alike with absolute acceptable accounts sectors.

Digital currencies on the blockchain arrangement are created through the minting operation, it is the action of breeding new tokens by acceptance data, creating new blocks, and recording the advice on the blockchain. Due to the decentralized attributes of the blockchain, it is kept defended by miners who accredit new transactions, and ensure a transaction is not malicious, this operation generates new bill which is an allurement for the miners.

ViuBank  is a coffer and one of the big players in the banking crypto industry that aims to advantage these accessible opportunities to acquiesce its barter to adore the allowances of blockchain technology. It seeks to lower the access barrier in accommodating in the banking markets for barter and advice bodies accretion banking abandon with anchored returns.

It is one of the fastest-growing companies that investors of all levels should pay absorption to; alms a advanced ambit of articles that baby for altered tastes of barter and additionally works with adjourned assets and allows its barter to acquire acquiescent assets circadian through minting, mining, loans and staking as “fixed deposits”.

It offers its barter altered affairs and anchored allotment on circadian accumulation up to annual accumulation with advantageous allotment after the altercation of all the abstruse bureaucracy process, the onboarding action is bland and helps barter get started in a few clicks.

ViuBank is a absolutely accountant coffer that is allotment of the ELG BANK LIMITED amid in Vanuatu, a safe country that is affable against agenda advance products. It operates as an online cyberbanking account in Vanuatu and carries out its business operations from its additional appointment amid in Dubai, the assets acceptance to the coffer are covered by its allowance action and it is registered with aggregation cardinal 302877.

ViuBank is founded by CEO Seng Yeap KOK, age-old 46, a acclaimed acknowledged cyberbanking administrator who has over 20 years of alms cyberbanking casework and has formed in a advanced ambit of sectors including the clandestine cyberbanking sector, insurance, Pre IPO, banking engineering and accumulated accretion and alliance transactions. He acquired admired business acquaintance alive for multilingual corporations including the Great Eastern Life affirmation Berhad, Prudential Affirmation Berhad, Pacific Unit Trust Berhad and as a acknowledged able in RockwillSdn Bhd.