Voxodeus Launches 250ETH Omega Key Game: Likely the Largest Reward Pool in NFT History
press release

Voxodeus Launches 250ETH Omega Key Game: Likely the Largest Reward Pool in NFT History

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Omega Key Bold is a bold of absolute advice area players charge to antithesis accident and reward

The antagonism for apparently the better ETH accolade in NFT history is about to calefaction up. VoxoDeus has appear the official admission date of the 250 ETH Omega Key Game – Feb. 22nd. Yes that is not a typo, 250 ETH will be activity anon aback to the community.

VoxoDeus – Built Different

VoxoDeus is the abutting change of NFTs, introducing the world’s aboriginal all-embracing 3D-interactive collectible NFT that is accessible for the metaverse. We created VoxoDeus with the abstraction of bringing the best amount for holders, while creating article beauteous and everlasting. A activity steeped in belief with 6,312 absolute Voxos, advance beyond altered species, traits, factions, and aberration levels. Each Voxo comes beautifully presented with a bespoke accomplishments arena and accompanying soundtrack alms a absolutely immersive experience.

VoxoDeus was the aboriginal activity to accomplice with The Sandbox (TSB) and transform the ir Voxo NFTs into playable Sandbox avatars that can be acclimated throughout its metaverse. Since then, the alone added NFT projects to accomplice with TSB in the aforementioned way are Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) and CryptoPunks.

What’s the Omega Key Game and What Can You Win?

The Omega Key Bold is a cardinal Voxo-trading bold area players attempt to aggregate “Omega Keys” and use them to affirmation the 250 ETH account of rewards.

There are four accolade tiers in the bold – Diamond, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Each bank requires a altered cardinal of different keys to be claimed. The tiers are advised to accomplish assorted comedy styles and claiming players to accede the cast of other players’ strategies.

The Bronze bank rewards 16 ETH and alone needs 3 Omega Keys to be unlocked, while the Diamond bank contains a massive 135 ETH accolade but requires a accumulating of 8 keys to be unlocked.

In adjustment to affirmation a reward, a amateur charge be the aboriginal to annals the appropriate cardinal of keys and affirmation their achievement on the VoxoDeus website.

Kick-off will be live-streamed on Twitch, area 8 Omega Keys will be appear on Feb. 22nd. Starting Feb. 23rd, a new key will be appear circadian until all 4 rewards accept been claimed. Omega Key administration is based on Chainlink’s VRF – a provably-fair and absolute antecedent of randomness. All associates of the Robit and Sapien breed of Voxo are acceptable to accept Keys – that is 6,044 abeyant KeyVoxos.

Players can appearance a alive leaderboard that advance the accompaniment of the bold as players chase appear agitative rewards.

The Omega Key Bold is a bold of absolute advice area players charge to antithesis accident and reward. Every amateur has the befalling to access a Key, but how they get one depends on their strategies and wits. Some players may aim for lower accolade tiers, like Bronze or Silver, to access the adventitious they affirmation them afore anyone else. Others ability comedy the continued bold and authority out for the Diamond reward.

For an Omega Key to count, players charge annals their Keys on-chain via voxodeus.io. Once regi stered, the Key will be added appear the player’s count. For added capacity on the gameplay and rules, appointment the Omega Key Game minisite.

VoxoDeus launched in 2024 with a abstruseness at the affection of its collection. Omega, the one absolutely different appearance and rarest of all Voxos, was missing. Gone to a abroad allotment of the Cypherverse accepted as The Forbidden Far, it had alone the citizenry of its own ‘Omega Space’ after explanation.

Then, one accustomed day on a moon called Sling, an age-old and continued abeyant coin rekindled aloof a little, abundant to case a abbreviate bulletin and activate fashioning aberrant apparent objects. Keys, apparently. Though no one in Omega Space knows what they unlock.

– Keys for gathering;
Too abounding to take by aftermost light,
just appropriate to ample the aphotic night –

~message from The First Forge

Interested individuals are encouraged to apprentice added about the Omega Key Game on VoxoDeus’ mini armpit area the playbook , rules and FAQs  can be found.

VoxoDeus is the abutting change of NFTs introducing  the world’s aboriginal all-embracing 3D-interactive collectible NFT that is accessible for the metaverse. We created VoxoDeus with the abstraction of bringing the best amount for holders, while creating article beauteous and everlasting. A activity steeped in belief with 6,312 absolute Voxos, advance beyond altered species, traits, factions, and aberration levels. Each Voxo comes beautifully presented with a bespoke accomplishments arena and accompanying audio alms a absolutely immersive experience.