xSigma Passes Security Audit and Prepares to Launch Stablecoin DEX With LP Rewards
press release

xSigma Passes Security Audit and Prepares to Launch Stablecoin DEX With LP Rewards

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE February 24 2024 xSigma a decentralized barter for stablecoin swaps has appear capacity of its barrage affairs The DEX which supports aqueous swaps amid stablecoin pairs will go alive on February 24 accepting anesthetized a thirdparty aegis audit

Blockchain aegis aggregation Hacken audited the xSigma acute affairs and begin no analytical errors in the code, green-lighting the Ethereum-based barter to barrage as scheduled. A added aegis analysis is underway to accord the xSigma association added aplomb in the cipher powering the AMM.

Backed by a NASDAQ-listed company, and developed by an accomplished aggregation that includes above Google engineers, xSigma has anchored the abutment of several aerial contour backers. These accommodate NBA brilliant Dwight Howard, who has committed to accommodating in the xSigma barrage as an aboriginal clamminess provider (LP).

LPs will acquire bifold rewards for the aboriginal fortnight to incentivize acceptance and ensure a aqueous ambiance for active stablecoin swaps with basal slippage. Ahead of its launch, xSigma has created a detailed guide for clamminess providers, walking them through the action of LP’ing and staking their basin allotment tokens to acquire SIG, the protocol’s built-in babyminding token.

In accession to accouterment LP rewards for affiliated USDT, USDC, and DAI, xSigma will incentivize a Uniswap clamminess basin for ETH/SIG. The xSigma DEX is appointed to barrage on February 24 at 13:00 EST (18:00 UTC), ushering in a new era for able stablecoin swaps.

About xSigma

xSigma is a stablecoin DEX powered by a babyminding badge that gives holders the appropriate to actuate how the agreement should be managed. Token-holders accept a allotment of all DEX fees, with aggregation and LP tokens vested gradually for two years to adjust incentives amid the belvedere and its community. xSigma is backed by its ancestor aggregation ZK International Group, a NASDAQ-listed corporation.


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