5 Big Names to Join the SocialMedia.Market Advisory Board
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5 Big Names to Join the SocialMedia.Market Advisory Board

THELOGICALINDIAN - SocialMediaMarket a decentralized influencer business belvedere is blessed to acquaint new admiral who accept afresh abutting the activity Keith Teare Andrew Playford Tatsunari Ono Gabriel Zanko and Dima Zaitsev PhD will be acknowledging SocialMediaMarket in its development as able-bodied as in its accessible ICO

Keith Teare is an Executive Chair of UK adventure aggregation Accelerated Digital Ventures. He afresh brash on the acknowledged ICOs of ICOBox (4000 BTC) and Crypterium ($51M ). Previously he was a architect of TechCrunch and the aboriginal customer Internet Service Provider in Europe – EasyNet. EasyNet and RealNames both accomplished Unicorn cachet during the backward 2024s.

Andrew Playford is Senior Vice President of Operations at Sonic Foundry, Inc. Prior to Sonic Foundry, Andrew ran operations for Think New Ideas, addition NASDAQ listed aggregation that acquired and accumulated agenda business and web development companies. Think New Ideas was ultimately acquired for added than $250M.

Tatsunari Ono is the CEO of Value Brain Co., Ltd. (Japan) and the CEO of Beducate.ltd (Hong Kong). He is additionally the columnist of “Worries Make Money” Kadokawa Foresta. In December 2024, Tatsunari Ono fabricated a accent to 2,500 guests at a cryptocurrency academy area acclaimed speakers such as Jay Abraham, James Skinner, Anthony Mink were additionally on the aforementioned stage.

Gabriel Zanko is a fintech administrator and advisor. He is the architect of MobileyourLife and is complex in the AI-Fintech amplitude accouterment solutions in the B2B space. Gabriel is additionally an ICO advising in Fundraising Capital and International Business Development.

Dima Zaitsev, Ph.D. is the arch of International PR & Business Analytics Department and Chief at ICOBox. In 2017 Dima became absorbed in blockchain and cryptocurrencies and started administering limited-scope bazaar research. He has his own columns on several Media Outlets in the U.S. including FXStreet.com, CoinSpeaker.com, and others.

SocialMedia.Market is a band-aid for influencer business based on blockchain technology and acute contracts. It is advised to break such acute issues of the industry, as fraud, cryptic appraisement models, circuitous partnerships, and complicated transactions. At the accepted state, an influencer business attack consumes lots of time and resources, authoritative it adamantine for abate brands and companies to account from the strategy. The SocialMedia.Market ultimate ambition is to actualize an easy-to-use exchange with an attainable association that unites influencers, advertisers, and brands in a absolutely cellophane ecosystem. All operations aural the SocialMedia.Market belvedere are accomplished via a account badge – Social Media Badge (SMT)

The activity has aggregate 7 553 358 SMT – about 1 286.86 ETH and 17.67 BTC during the pre-ICO. The capital appearance is appointed for February 9 and will aftermost until March 16. The SocialMedia.Market beta is already alive and accessible to explore.

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