7 More Serial Entrepreneurs, Blockchain and Crypto Experts Join Viola.AI Advisory Board
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7 More Serial Entrepreneurs, Blockchain and Crypto Experts Join Viola.AI Advisory Board

THELOGICALINDIAN - SINGAPORE 12 JAN 2024 The worlds aboriginal AIdriven Marketplace for Dating and Relationships ViolaAI sets to accommodate the accepted adulation industry leveraging on blockchain technology

With 13-years accurate success almanac in the dating industry, the aggregation abaft Viola.AI promises to body the best acknowledged and smartest A.I to actualize a all-around and borderless abounding bend band-aid from dating, courtship, accord to marriage.

Viola.AI is an ever-improving, decentralized and defended A.I. Driven Marketplace for dating and relationships that gives data-driven advice, recommendations, concierge, and matches to advice singles and couples advance their relationships.

Today, Viola.AI appear the latest additions to their agency of ICO Advisors, all appear with a all-inclusive acquaintance and assorted expertise, alignment from consecutive entrepreneurs, blockchain, and advance specialists, to tech investors with a huge network. This account is a absolute attestation to the accent and amount that Viola.AI brings to absolutely appulse billions of bodies worldwide.

Serial Entrepreneur, Fintech Influencer, Singapore Government Advisor

Prakash is a arch agenda administrator who founded Yolk, a agenda bureau that served audience like Lenovo, Microsoft, Singapore’s Ministry of Communications and the Arts. Yolk was acquired by WPP in 2024. He additionally listed addition aggregation TMG on Nasdaq First North. He is awful ranked as an influencer in the fintech amplitude in Asia. In 2024 he was accustomed at the Singapore Indian Business Leaders (SIBL) awards.

Co-Founder, FundYourselfNow and Blockchain Writer

Co-founder at FundYourselfNow, a Singapore-based crypto-currency crowdfunding platform, Kenneth is a anticipation baton and alive biographer in the blockchain amplitude and has been featured in assorted account organizations such as Business Times Singapore, Zerohedge and added above crypto publications. He has over 10 years of acquaintance in allowance start-ups and businesses auspiciously body their products.

Cryptocurrency Advocate and Blockchain Consultant

Alex Haxton was an aboriginal adopter of Bitcoin in 2024. He began trading and advance in Bitcoin while actuality a cryptocurrency apostle on amusing media. Since then, he has become a cryptocurrency and blockchain adviser and adviser to companies gluttonous to embrace the blockchain and cryptocurrency sphere.

Co-Founder, Singapore Bitcoin Club

Peter serves as the Co-Head of Digital Currency Sub Committee of Singapore Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Industry Association (ACCESS) and the Co-Founder of Singapore Bitcoin Club, Singapore’s better cryptocurrency trading educational community. He is a common apostle and panelist on forums and seminars on cryptocurrencies. Peter is an accomplished banking able in Singapore’s arch banking advising firm, advising accumulated and alone audience on accident administration solutions.

Co-Founder, Singapore Bitcoin Club

Caleb is one of the Co-founders of Singapore Bitcoin Club, Singapore’s better cryptocurrency trading educational community. He consistently conducts educational workshops and seminars on cryptocurrencies. His angle on altered advance strategies and altered aspects of cryptocurrency are awful admired by the bounded community. On top of that, he is additionally an accomplished absolute acreage adviser with one of the better acreage bureau in Singapore.

Internet Entrepreneur, ICO Advisor, Blockchain, Crypto, and Bitcoin Enthusiast

One of the best acknowledged and affecting adolescent entrepreneurs, Brian is an aboriginal broker of Bitcoin and a amorous cryptocurrency and blockchain apostle who has accumulated over 1 actor followers on Twitter area he shares approaching able ICOs and helps companies affix with their audience.

Entrepreneur, Angel Investor, Tech Advisors

With about 15 years of acquaintance in Advance banking, accumulated strategy, entrepreneurship and adventure capital, Gautam is a Co-founder of ZPX, a arch Singapore-headquartered advance & advising close in the clandestine technology space. He is an casual angel broker and serves as Advisor to several tech start-ups including Blowhorn, India’s arch intra-city acumen company.

Jamie Lee, Co-Founder, and Head of Business Development of Viola.ai, said:

The 7 new Advisors will accompany the 6 added outstanding profiles in Viola.AI Advisory board, which consists of:

“Each of our Advisor brings article altered to the table. They accept been active in our advance so far, and accept accustomed us amazing amount through their experience. We are ashamed and aflame to apperceive that anniversary of our admired admiral believes in Viola.AI and we attending advanced to accomplishing greater heights calm in this project,” Jamie concluded.

For added advice on Viola.AI, appointment www.viola.ai
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Viola.AI is an ever-improving, decentralized and defended A.I. Driven Marketplace that gives data-driven advice, recommendations, babysitter and matches to helps singles to be able and able in award adulation while additionally allowance couples to sustain and bigger their relationships with their cogent other.

Press Contact
Christina Thung
Head of PR
[email protected]
Viola.AI community: Telegram

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