ADADAO ($ADAO) is all set to launch on BlueZilla launchpad on March 21st
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ADADAO ($ADAO) is all set to launch on BlueZilla launchpad on March 21st

THELOGICALINDIAN - ADADAO has partnered with BlueZilla for IDO on its platforms BlueZilla has appear to conduct the IDO on ADAPad BSCPad and VelasPad launchpads IDOs in the BlueZilla ecosystem accept a amazing acceptability For archetype the boilerplate ROI on BSCPad is 6400 ADADAO is accepted to chase the aforementioned trend as added BlueZilla projects and presents a abundant befalling for aboriginal access on the aboriginal day

ADADAO is a DeFi agreement on Cardano blockchain which facilitates conception of absolutely collateralized abiding bill leveraging Native Cardano Assets. AUSD is the Stablecoin generated application this protocol, which is onchain overcollateralized application Bluechip Cardano assets . ADAO is the account and babyminding badge which allows users to adjudge how the agreement functions and additionally gives them a allotment of the fees aloft through the protocol.

IDO Date: Monday March 21st

Staking Eligibility Cutoff: Monday March 21st, 5 AM UTC

Public Sale Token Price: $0.038 USD

Allocation Round Opens: Monday March 21st, 8 AM UTC

Listing: Monday, March 21st

Maximum Token Supply: 500,000,000 $ADAO

Circulating Supply at Listing: 16,875,000 ADAO

Market Capitalization at Listing: $619,000 USD

ADADAO ($ADAO) is a DeFi agreement on Cardano blockchain which facilitates conception of absolutely collateralized abiding bill leveraging Native Cardano Assets. ADADAO functions as a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).

ADADAO ecosystem has two tokens:

The agreement has a different architecture with the afterward arresting features:

BlueZilla  is a blockchain incubator that helps some of the best cutting-edge projects in the industry get off the arena through its launchpads: BSCPad, Tronpad, ETHPad, KCCPad, NFTLaunch, ADAPad, VelasPad, GameZone, PulsePad, DotPad and MetaVPad. In this way, they accommodate aegis to investors, while acceptance them to participate in the aboriginal date investments of their accomplice companies. The belvedere is a acclaimed incubator that nurtures and backdrop the founders’ account afore accouterment added development, legal, technical, and business abutment as the activity finds its footing.

The ultra aerial appeal of tokens ablution on BlueZilla  has resulted in massive ROIs in its IDOs. For example, WagyuSwap—a DEX on Velas—has a 106X ROI and is aural the area of TronPad, which rallied about 255x. A standout achievement appropriately far is the vertical acceleration of ETHPad’s $ETHPAD, which currently has an ROI of about 170X.
Recently, MetaVPad did a 1290x, Valhalla and Astroswap did 630x and 527x respectively.

There is no alive on alternation collateralized stablecoin on cardano yet. Even on added chains, accepted protocols acquire aerial absorption ante on assets adopted from users authoritative leveraging actual risky. There is a ambiguous defalcation action based on an centralized bargain apparatus which armament protocols to admit defalcation at college defalcation arrangement in adjustment to be able to atone for the ambiguity in the realisable value.

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