ALLIVE, An Intelligent Healthcare Blockchain Ecosystem, Partners with Ontology
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ALLIVE, An Intelligent Healthcare Blockchain Ecosystem, Partners with Ontology

THELOGICALINDIAN - ALLIVE alliveio is an able healthcare ecosystem based on blockchain technology ALLIVE aggregation was arrive to the Ontology Mainnet Seoul Launch during which they appear the affiliation with Ontology Mr Eagle Zhang cofounder and CTO of ALLIVE discussed some of the problems afflictive the healthcare casework industry and explained how ALLIVE can advice accouterment those issues in his speech

ALLIVE is an agitative new activity that aims to actualize a absolute healthcare casework arrangement that runs on the blockchain. The activity will actualize decentralized, collaborative, frictionless, and defended healthcare applications for the healthcare industry and will be advised to action seamlessly with healthcare account providers, wearable devices, medical R&D institutions, medical banking services, as able-bodied as abutment groups to accommodate end-to-end and convenient healthcare adventures for everyone.

Tying calm all of the abounding altered abstracts sources and abstracts types complex in such an aggressive activity is, of course, a huge undertaking. That is why ALLIVE is partnering with Ontology, a high-performance accessible blockchain activity that leverages broadcast assurance networks, decentralized ledgers, and congenital acute affairs to facilitate the accord amid altered businesses and clandestine actors. Ontology allows users to administer their own abstracts from a array of sources including accessible institutions, banks, businesses, family, colleagues, and friends, and allows this abstracts to be tracked, traded, secured, and acclimated in any way that the buyer sees fit.

The academic advertisement of this affiliation took abode in Seoul on August 18, 2018, at the Ontology Mainnet Seoul Launch. Details on the event, including ally and agenda, can be begin here. This accident was a forerunner to the Ontology mainnet barrage accident that is to be captivated in Tokyo on August 25.

The Seoul accident featured a appropriate abode by Mr. Eagle Zhang, the co-founder and CTO of ALLIVE, as able-bodied as high-level tech talks by founders and chief associates of the Ontology foundation. Issues that were discussed during the appointment included the accent and allowances of blockchain technology, contempo developments in the space, and approaching trends and applications of blockchain in altered sectors.

In his speech, Mr. Zhang discussed some of the problems afflictive the healthcare casework industry and explained how ALLIVE can advice accouterment those issues. Some of these problems discussed included the aerial amount of healthcare administration (which has accomplished aberrant levels of USD 12 abundance annually), unsatisfactory outcomes of ample healthcare providers, and the axial botheration of bloom abstracts ownership. Abstracts is of appropriate absorption to ALLIVE and Ontology because the affiliation amid the two organizations affairs to use a data-centric access to convalescent healthcare.

To put Mr. Zhang’s comments in perspective, accede the following: Health abstracts is broadly calm and acclimated by both individuals as able-bodied as institutions, but best bodies accept actual bound ascendancy over their own abstracts because of the way hospitals and added centralized institutions collect, store, and ascendancy that data. Centralized approaches to abstracts accumulating and accumulator not alone abate the akin of ascendancy that clandestine individuals accept on their own claimed data, but they abode restrictions on what they can do with it, and they additionally abode this abstracts in austere accident from hacks and accessible exposure. An added band of complication to the botheration is that if abstracts buying is, in fact, accustomed aback to clandestine individuals, this may abuse to abate the ability of inter-agency abstracts flows, abbreviation the all-embracing capability of healthcare provision, to activate with.

Therefore, above artlessly acclimation the way healthcare ameliorate is approached, policymakers and decisionmakers charge to accept that there are abounding data-specific issues that charge to be addressed, such as the following:

How will it do this?

By leveraging blockchain technologies and in affiliation with Ontology, ALLIVE will actualize a decentralized belvedere for absolute and alone healthcare. Its Olife bore will body a clandestine contour of an individual’s bloom data, Olivia will accomplish as an bogus intelligence healthcare provider, and Oleaf will affix aggregate calm in a absolute healthcare account system.

There are abundant allowances to this approach. First of all, all of these systems will be encrypted, and they will admonition to breach bottomward the abstracts silos that abide in centralized healthcare systems today. They will additionally admonition hospitals and healthcare clinics alteration to a added evidence-based access to alone healthcare. Furthermore, Olivia, the AI bore of the system, will amalgamate medical ability with apparatus acquirements algorithms to accommodate bigger affliction and medical diagnoses, that too at a atom of the amount of approved healthcare professionals. This will acquiesce ALLIVE to accommodate cheaper and added appropriate medical admonition and appointment casework to individuals, not aloof in hospitals and clinics but in their homes as well, extenuative ill patients from cher and annoying trips to the hospital.

Finally, Oleaf will tie aggregate calm and will accredit patients, doctors, allowance companies, caretakers, medical accessory manufacturers, and added stakeholders in the medical and healthcare casework industries to assignment collaboratively application high-quality, reliable, secure, and authentic data.

Now that the Seoul accident and the Ontology affiliation announcements are over, ALLIVE continues to assignment on developing the platform. Q4 2024 will see the absolution of the beta adaptation of Olivia, as able-bodied as the barrage of ALLIVE’s built-in wallet. The ALLIVE testnet is set to be launched in Q1 2024, and barrage of the mainnet is slated for Q2 2024.

Along with Mr. Eagle Zhang, the ALLIVE amount aggregation additionally includes Mr. Jack Liu, the Founder and CEO of ALLIVE, and Dr. Dongfang Liu, the Chief of Medicine. Mr. Jack Liu is an broker and lath affiliate with dozens of tech and healthcare startups, and he is an aboriginal broker in the blockchain field. As for Dr. Dongfang Liu, he is an accomplished healthcare able who is committed to researching the efficiency and affection of medical casework through avant-garde technologies.

In accession to the amount founding aggregation above, ALLIVE has brought calm abounding able industry experts as able-bodied to serve on the company’s advising board. These accommodate Xiaochuan Wang, the CEO of Sogou Tech and the above CTO of Sohu, who brings to the aggregation abstruse expertise, and George Wu, Doctor & Professor of Harvard Medical School. Dr. Wu’s areas of ability lie in medical research, and he has accomplished at Harvard Medical School back 2024 and has had his assignment appear in abounding altered medical publications of all-around repute.

Finally, ALLIVE’s Airdrop affairs is currently live. Earlier accord will be adored with added ALV tokens, so bang actuality now to participate!

To apprentice added about ALLIVE and how it affairs to agitate the healthcare casework industry by convalescent accommodating outcomes and blurred the costs of healthcare, appointment

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