An Interview With Federico Olivo, President, and Founder of LKSCOIN
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An Interview With Federico Olivo, President, and Founder of LKSCOIN

THELOGICALINDIAN - Federico Olivo is the architect and accepted admiral of the LKSCOIN a cryptocurrency destined to change the way agreeable creators assure their buying rights Federico is additionally the administrator and cofounder at Vistra SRL a aggregation specialized in alms argue and training casework on Quality Health Safety and Environment QHSE With a portfolio of over 500 barter in Italy and away Eastern Europe Africa Middle East Northern and South America Asia Federico has managed to actualize and advance a acknowledged business for over 20 years Through this account Federico comments on his latest activity the LKSCOIN which will change the way agreeable creators work

When asked about the agent of the LKSCOIN, Federico mentioned that he and a accumulation of accompany articular a botheration in the amusing media industry. Agreeable creators were putting out their actual but were accepting a difficult time axis agreeable into profit. After accurate consideration, Federico ad his accompany anticipation about introducing a cryptocurrency that could assignment as a agency of acquittal for creators, alms low transaction fees, and acceptable a new incentivization adjustment for everybody who acclimated the amusing media platform. In 2024, the LKS Foundation was created as an affiliation that could assignment in the development of article new, an avant-garde and advantageous apparatus for everybody with a huge abeyant that could change the way amusing media is perceived. 

This avant-garde abstraction anon got us to ask ourselves how. How could the LKSCOIN advice agreeable creators assure their agenda rights? According to Federico, the conception of a non-fungible badge or NFT will advice creators affirmation the antecedent of their content. The basal technology of the NFT will articulation the agent of the agreeable to its columnist through a simplified interface that will affix the absolute character of the user application the KYC action to the agreeable created by them. This blockchain-based archetypal will break a cogent affair in the agenda world, absorb of agenda content, which is usually aggregate and broadcast in assorted amusing networks, accident clue of its primary source. As explained by Federico:

For this sole purpose, the LKS Foundation is announcement a fundraising attack on Eidoocrowd to actualize the NFT and the platform. At the end of the badge sale, the badge will be listed and changeable for added cryptocurrencies in the market.

Another catechism that came to apperception back discussing the LKSCOIN was its amount over time. The anterior amount during the crowdfunding attack for the NFT is 0.01€, which seems like an accomplished befalling to invest. Federico assured us that although their primary cold was not to about-face this badge into a abstract item, his aggregation acerb believes that the amount will absolutely be abstinent on the advance of its users. Through the amplification of the belvedere and the user base, the LKSCOIN will access its amount axis this into a aureate befalling for investors. Compared to added projects that present an IEO in its antecedent phase, LKSCOIN comes with a altered proposal, a cryptocurrency that is already actuality used.

LKSCOIN has additionally accomplished important milestones:

To date, LKSCOIN is the official crypto of Cam.TV, changeable with authorization currencies (such as euros), and adjustable to altered anatomy needs.

Cam.TV was the aboriginal aggregation to accept LKSCOIN, additionally because it was the aboriginal belvedere to accept adored LIKES economically, so the alliance of absorbed was accessible and immediate. Federico mentioned that abounding companies are assuming absorption in compassionate and evaluating the accomplishing of LKSCOIN in their platforms. 

Federico additionally aggregate allotment of the tech abaft the LKSCOIN, and the acumen why they absitively to amalgamate two of the best acknowledged blockchain networks. Similar to ancestry two plants in agriculture, he said that they approved to get the best characteristics out of both blockchains. The built-in X11 blockchain is solid, and acknowledgment to the masternodes, it allows multi-level accord by users who appetite to abutment the project; however, the Ethereum blockchain offers greater versatility, such as the achievability of creating NFTs. 

Through the interview, Federico additionally aggregate how his aggregation coped with the after-effects of COVID-19. This all-around communicable acquired above agitation throughout the accounts sector, alarming and ambagious abounding investors in a time of all-around uncertainty. Despite this, Federico is assured that the cryptocurrency industry is a growing market, able of convalescent quickly. If anything, COVID-19 has helped this industry by announcement all-around acceptance and approaching developments. 

COVID-19 was and is a botheration that has agitated our approved habits, but has additionally fabricated us jump into the approaching by banishment us to use the net added to backpack on our assignment and our lives in general.

People did get added accustomed with the web, and LKSCOIN is an aspect of the arrangement that, in its baby way, offers accoutrement and opportunities to that agenda apple in which we are all brief agreeably or unwillingly.

At last, Federico aggregate his thoughts about the approaching of LKSCOIN and the LKS FOUNDATION. Accordingly, his affairs accommodate creating a campus area they can host companies and ablaze minds to advice advance and advance the platform, creating new business models in band with the times. Additionally, the approaching development of NFT will advice to adverse affected account and acquiesce absorb protection, acceptable a charge in the market.

More than a advancing future, LKSCOIN offers a actual and activated band-aid for abounding industry problems that we see today. Over 360,000 bodies on are already application LKSCOIN, and with affairs to aggrandize to added platforms.

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