THELOGICALINDIAN - The Ananas Foundation a UKregistered alms aims to advance cuttingedge technologies and accurate advances for civic good
Imagine accepting a ability blueprint that produces a alive Quran to accouterment abandonment and Islamophobia, or, a U.S Second Amendment to review, a absolutely active Bible, Torah, and/or aboriginal acceptance systems. That’s what Ananas’ technology will allow. Their aim is to actualize a belvedere leveraging blockchain technology that empowers individuals and communities to map their own acceptance systems. Ananas will use this accepted belvedere to advance accord and access ability assortment amidst brainy communities.
At the amount of Ananas is a able association from a advanced ambit of backgrounds, from experts in Artificial Intelligence, cryptocurrency and cerebral neuroscience to theology, association building, and accord work. Ananas is additionally alive with ally such as Chainstarter, an ethical ICO platform, to advice advance a defended badge allocation delivery.
Using cryptocurrency and AI, they are architecture a different belvedere and creating a anarchy in how we allotment and appoint with the behavior and ability aloft which we assemble our corresponding identities. This will culminate in the world’s best reliable and absolute ability of abstract ability for brainy frameworks in religion, culture, backroom and beyond.
The key to Ananas is our cryptocurrency token, the Anacoin. Anacoins accept been advised to access in amount as the amount of the belvedere increases to the all-around community, with abbreviating accumulation and accretion appeal as added communities accompany the platform. The Anacoin is angry to the framework of the Ananas belvedere and is acclimated as a foundation for advantageous contributors.
With the access of abhorrence aural the media and society, the Ananas aggregation is alive to use cutting-edge technology, to actualize accord and compassionate for all.
For added information, amuse ability out to our CEO or CMO:
Images address of Ananas Foundation