ANON Summit 2024 is moving into a fully online experience
press releases

ANON Summit 2024 is moving into a fully online experience

THELOGICALINDIAN - Vienna Austria 05 May 2024 BlockExpo has appear that it is affective ANON Summit online for 2024

The move to a agenda architecture will accomplish the accident attainable to anybody admitting COVID-19 and the restrictions it has acquired for biking and ample in-person gatherings. The accident is appointed to booty abode on 19-20 May 2024, back abounding are still accepted to be beneath quarantine.

Confirmed speakers accommodate acclaimed blockchain and cryptocurrency professionals Maximilian Marenbach, Head of Banking at Kraken Digital Asset Exchange; Lili Zhao, Director at NEO; and Andreas M. Antonopoulos, columnist of Mastering Bitcoin. Other speakers will accommodate founders, C-level executives, policymakers, educators, and more. Furthermore, the appointment will be opened by the Austrian Federal Minister for Digital and Economic Affairs, Margarete Schramböck.

Major sponsors like Raiffeisen Bank International, Tezos, Electroneum, BDO, StakerDAO, Austrian Post, IEEE, and Ledger accept accepted their connected support, signaling approval of the about-face to an online format. 

Using atypical technology, ANON 2024 will mirror the absolute offline acquaintance into the online world. Rather than a simple teleconference or webinar, the appointment will accept a stage, workshops, networking, and alike an bazaar area. It will be a activating accident that attendees can appoint in from the assurance of their own homes.

“We will accomplish ambit irrelevant. Attendees will save money and time. Everything becomes instant.” said Daniel Lenikus, CEO and Co-Founder of BlockExpo. “Our ambition is to beat all expectations and adviser the age of online conferencing.”

Benefits of affective online:

BlockExpo has abutting armament with Cointelligence, a admired name aural the crypto industry, to ensure the success of the event.

“Social break isn’t accomplishing annihilation to apathetic bottomward the blockchain revolution,” said Cointelligence CEO and Founder On Yavin. “If anything, it’s aloof dispatch things up. Now, bodies who adeptness not accept ahead had the absorption or adeptness to fly to addition country for a blockchain appointment will accept the befalling to appear a best accident from home. I anticipate we’ll see a lot of new enthusiasts accessory ANON 2020 and absolutely accepting aflame about the possibilities.”

The appointment will be affordable for everyone. There will be two types of tickets available, one for a bashful 20€ fee and one for free.

For added information, including a abounding account of speakers, visit

Get your admission here:

About BlockExpo: BlockExpo believes in the ability and change that comes with arising technologies. Understanding their appulse is a axiological call and requires a holistic and absolute approach, involving all stakeholders in the all-around polity, from the accessible and clandestine sectors to science and civilian society. BlockExpo offers a belvedere that promotes accord and address with account meetups and conferences.

About Cointelligence: Cointelligence creates accoutrement for individuals and organizations to bigger appoint with the crypto industry. This includes the educational belvedere Cointelligence Academy and aloof bazaar surveillance accoutrement such as the Exchange Rating System. Cointelligence additionally caters to companies that accept specific blockchain or cryptocurrency analysis needs on capacity such as assets, account providers, and exchanges.