THELOGICALINDIAN - Switzerland 18 July 2025 South Africas blockchain mural is set to account from an absolute affiliation amid SophiaTX a arch Swissbased blockchain aggregation and ArkTree an arising South African tech company
As SophiaTX’s sole VAR (value-added reseller) in South Africa, ArkTree will accompany internationally-recognized blockchain addition to the ERP (enterprise ability planning) domain, which is bound accepting absorption as a aqueduct to agenda disruption worldwide.
Sean Martin, Managing Director at ArkTree, says:
Mr. Martin additionally explains the actuality that the blockchain abnormality is almost new and unfamiliar, which leads it to analysis and attrition from the public. He attributes this to bare accessible ability about what blockchain is and how to absolve its abounding abeyant to transform and drag the business apple and beyond.
The aegis of blockchain lies in the arduous decentralization of the infrastructure, which allows for the autumn of encrypted abstracts beyond a advanced arrangement of computers simultaneously. The advice stored in a blockchain can accordingly not be altered. In all its simplicity, such a safe and cellophane belvedere is altogether ill-fitted for archetype the movement of an asset beyond the amount chain.
Mr. Martin additionally highlights the appulse that blockchain will have. As a abeyant abject for a defended peer-to-peer transaction platform, blockchain will comedy a acute role in approaching business. Blockchain’s transparency, stemming from the disability to adapt abstracts in the network, will advance to the abridgement of fraud, while its artlessness will ultimately crop bigger automation as able-bodied as added cost-effective abstracts accumulating beyond the world.
As a agenda “distributed ledger,” the technology is fabricated for assorted industries aural the accumulation chain, including agriculture, food, pharmaceuticals, beverages, retail, absolute estate, mining, and abounding added business amount chains area traceability beyond circuitous accumulation alternation networks is a aerial priority.
Jaroslav Kacina, CEO of Sophia TX, suggests
Kacina adds:
ArkTree plays a arch role in the enterprise-grade blockchain amphitheatre in South Africa by alms alcove and astute blockchain consulting ability to its ally and customers. It additionally offers a specialized administration accounting arrangement band-aid for SAP customers, which takes advantage and amount administration to the next-level back powered by the new in-memory technology.
SophiaTX, with its focus on innovation, is planning to absolution a aggregation of use cases and applications in the accessible months so that businesses can not alone bigger accept the abeyant of blockchain but additionally decidedly abbreviate time to market.
SophiaTX is a blockchain belvedere and exchange tailored for extending acceptable applications like ERP, SCM, CRM, and abounding others with able-bodied collaborative and decentralized blockchain capabilities. It is based on a high-speed, secure, and business acceptable blockchain agreement and contains accessible affiliation APIs to SAP, acute devices, IoT, and added arch action applications. For added information, amuse appointment
ArkTree is an innovative, value-focused advice systems consulting aggregation specializing in action and industry-wide blockchain solutions, as able-bodied as avant-garde administration accounting in the chip banking accumulation alternation space. For added information, amuse appointment
Olena Yanishevska,
PR Manager, SophiaTX
Tel: 421 948 495 836
[email protected]
Images address of SophiaTX