Augmentors Blockchain AR Game Launches Its Much Awaited ICO & Bounty Program
press releases

Augmentors Blockchain AR Game Launches Its Much Awaited ICO & Bounty Program

THELOGICALINDIAN - Augmentors the bold that won the approval of Shark Tank South Africa has appear the barrage of its ICO The onemonth continued alms that kicked off on January 30 2024 had a abundant alpha adopting over 250 BTCs in beneath than 6 hours

[This is a columnist release]

Created by Michael Deon, Augmentors is the aboriginal anytime blockchain-based aggrandized absoluteness bold to be developed. The game’s blockchain is powered by DataBits crypto tokens (DTB), which is now accessible on a army sale. The DataBits ICO is active alongside an advancing Bounty affairs that went alive on January 23, 2017. The aboriginal bird participants, on day one of the ICO accustomed a 20% bonus.

Through the on-going ICO, Augmentors looks advanced to adopting the appropriate $1 actor for complete bold development. Currently, the bold is alms DataBits at a arrangement of 15000 DTB:1 BTC which will be bargain by 1000 at approved 5-day intervals. All the funds aloft during the ICO, irrespective of whether it alcove $1 actor or not will be anon put to use for the bold development purpose. The belvedere expects to accept an Alpha absolution accessible and accessible on Google Play Store and Apple App Store by the end of May 2024. The game’s beta adaptation and added upgrades will chase soon.


Augmentors offers a different gaming acquaintance to its players. The 3D modeled aggrandized absoluteness fantasy bold has 50 attenuate creatures (Augmentors). These creatures accept their own audible moves, spells, and attacks. The well-crafted storyline includes a history and backstory for anniversary Augmentor which can be trained, traded and swapped amid players.

Augmentors’ abeyant as a blockchain-based aggrandized absoluteness bold has accustomed the acceptance of Vinny Lingham, a Silicon Valley administrator associated Civic, a blockchain startup. Vinny and Gil Oved (the Group co-CEO of The Creative Counsel ad agency) accept already fabricated a baby advance in the game.

Even afore the ICO, Augmentors had organized a pre-sale for its DataBits tokens. It was accessible for the backers of addition blockchain based game, Spells of Genesis. A absolute of 45.2 BTCs were aloft during the pre-sale.

Augmentors’ DataBits tokens can additionally be becoming by demography allotment in the Compensation program. The compensation affairs has a account of milestones and those commutual these milestones will become acceptable to affirmation a assertive cardinal of DataBits. The allotment of DataBits accustomed by the participants depends aloft the anatomy and DataBits allocation of anniversary campaign. The allocated DataBits for anniversary attack is aggregate amid anybody accommodating in that accurate campaign.

The compensation administration adding involves adding the absolute cardinal of stakes anniversary actor accumulates by the absolute cardinal of stakes accumulated in anniversary section. The consistent amount is again assorted by the absolute cardinal of tokens allocation to anniversary compensation campaign. The aftereffect will actuate the share of anniversary participant.

Augmentors has set out to actualize a accomplished new gaming acquaintance area players can own and barter the characters and bold elements. The aggrandized absoluteness allotment makes it alike added exciting. Those absorbed in acceptable allotment of this new bold anarchy can do so by abutting the ICO or by accommodating in the compensation campaign.

Images address of Shutterstock, Augmentors