Bank4YOU Group presents Mobile Money Remittance System on Blockchain at Finovate Asia 2024
press releases

Bank4YOU Group presents Mobile Money Remittance System on Blockchain at Finovate Asia 2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - London UK On 7th of November David Agar the CEO of Bank4YOU Group is activity to present the audience adaptation of the Bank4YOU ewallet app with MMRS arrangement to a all-inclusive association of fintech innovators at the one of the best affecting conferences in the apple FinovateAsia

[Note: This is a columnist release.]

Each user of Bank4You’s adaptable wallet will anon accept an annual area tokens can be stored in altered bounded currencies as able-bodied as in the ICO BFY token. Users can use accessible tokens for money remittances or can barter them for close MMR tokens bounded authorization currencies through an abettor arrangement or use as acquittal for appurtenances and services.

Vice admiral of business development in Africa Paul Scott explains allowances of BFY token:

The aboriginal appearance of the ICO begins on November 6, 2024, at 12 p.m. London Time 12 p.m. (UTC 0) and will aftermost until January 31, 2024, 10 p.m. or until the adamantine cap of $50 actor has been reached. ICO circuit are appointed as apparent below, with absolute badge holders accepting cogent discounts:

CTO of the MMRS activity Marcelo Ferreira concludes:

About the company: Bank4YOU Group is not a start-up, but an accustomed all-embracing bunch of fin-tech account companies operating aural the cyberbanking adaptable acquittal casework arena. FCA License No715451, issued by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority authorizes Bank4YOU to accommodate credit. Learn added about Adaptable Money Remittance System activity by Bank4YOU Group at

Images address of Bank4You